Message from @William Dinan

Discord ID: 784815249152278538

2020-12-05 16:10:25 UTC  

then politics got in the way....

2020-12-05 16:10:43 UTC  

Sure it doesnt prove anything but the relevant details of the official investigation explaining what happened and why Trumps lawyers are full of it πŸ˜… you know stuff we dont need to know

2020-12-05 16:11:07 UTC  

@Doc It's 40% justice system and 60% public opinion, and public opinion is really, really poorly constructed.

2020-12-05 16:11:35 UTC  

Listen if they have done a full lawful investigation they would put out a full report for the public, not give comments to a journalist

2020-12-05 16:11:46 UTC  

@Maw I cant remember a time in my life where I cared what people think. πŸ™‚ I do care what schooled and analytical people think. Goes back to motive (mine).

2020-12-05 16:12:00 UTC  

That's silly.. it doesn't prove anything, and doesn't have what you think 'we don't need to know' in it...

2020-12-05 16:12:00 UTC  

@Cali La La, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-05 16:12:19 UTC  

@Doc What people think influences how they treat prior convicted felons, it's a huge problem in the corrections of prisoners.

2020-12-05 16:12:29 UTC  

And it leads to a lot of suicides.

2020-12-05 16:12:59 UTC  

And a LOT of reoffense risk.

2020-12-05 16:13:08 UTC  

@Maw Oh, agreed. But I dont care about that, as much as it is an interest. Subtle difference. I dont make the rules, nor would I want to. I just enjoy studying them.

2020-12-05 16:13:45 UTC  

@Maw Rehabilitation has never been the strong side of the american correctional system.

2020-12-05 16:14:14 UTC  

That response sounds as though it is from machine learning . Have you passed the Turing Test? Asking for an ai friend.

2020-12-05 16:14:26 UTC  

They dont have to give you a full report and that's exactly what they did. They gave the facts for everyone to see. Now if you choose to believe Trumps version of let's ignore the facts heres what I think is on the video that's on you.

But you realize starting your argument with let's ignore the facts is exactly why it's getting no traction in court or the media

2020-12-05 16:14:47 UTC  

Rehabilitation is absolutely awful in the American system.

2020-12-05 16:14:50 UTC  

@busillis If you have to ask an AI if it has passed a turing test, the answer is usually "no"

2020-12-05 16:14:53 UTC  

And it's a fundamental issue to the culture.

2020-12-05 16:15:06 UTC  

So what do you need to know that isnt provided?

2020-12-05 16:15:14 UTC  

@Maw I find that rehabilitation is always a mirror image of the society the CI is in.

2020-12-05 16:15:23 UTC  

as reflected by Penroses law.

2020-12-05 16:15:36 UTC  

Even if the Case contained Legal Ballots and were counted, it was still done in an illegal fashion under GA Law. The Country Employee created an atmosphere to count Ballots in violation of the Law. The GA Voting Laws are "Strict Liability" based and no Intent is required to violate them.

2020-12-05 16:15:42 UTC  

It's nothing but negative (and not positive) reinforcement.

2020-12-05 16:16:07 UTC  

They don’t have to give us a full report... but they did? A statement to the media IS NOT a report πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

2020-12-05 16:16:37 UTC  

@Maw remember, we do that. Norway pays people a decent salary to not be a criminal. 2k pr month.

2020-12-05 16:16:40 UTC  

red to get the ml swarm out raged

2020-12-05 16:16:58 UTC  

It works as a preventive, @Maw , but it is extremely expensive.

2020-12-05 16:18:01 UTC  

@Doc like i told u before. U dont have to be a HAL9000 like u to. To have a perspective of the situation

2020-12-05 16:18:13 UTC  

What they gave is an accounting of the facts and findings of the case much akin to a presentation of the events to a jury as seen from the secretary of state and the many law enforcement personnel involved in the case.

2020-12-05 16:18:20 UTC  

@MatiLuc anyone can have a perspective. Knowledge is harder.

2020-12-05 16:18:22 UTC  

@Doc I don't think the threat of what happens matters as much as the attempt to bring these people back into society properly. Lots of people lack proper foresight when they do the things they do when their rationality is compromised.

2020-12-05 16:18:57 UTC  

@Doc life is harder

2020-12-05 16:19:17 UTC  

@MatiLuc I spent thousands of hours studying criminals, victims and corrections to be trusted with my position. Much harder than an opinion.

2020-12-05 16:20:02 UTC  

and, yeah. Life.

2020-12-05 16:20:24 UTC  

A life can be spent learning, or forming baseless opinions. Both are valid.

2020-12-05 16:20:31 UTC  

So again.. can you link the report (or whatever you want to call it) where they accounted for the facts and findings? A full lawful investigation would have documentation? Not just comments to the media

2020-12-05 16:21:08 UTC  

It's very easy to make a mistake and be labeled a felon for the rest of your life, limiting your ability to live your life.

2020-12-05 16:21:15 UTC  

Regret is neverending.

2020-12-05 16:21:26 UTC  

@MatiLuc give it up.... he will always suggest he has all the answer and that his beliefs are not opinions but mere observations (which would be fact based and not individual conclusion)... I wouldnt get to torn up about it.

2020-12-05 16:21:34 UTC  

@Maw touching on the main issue there. Most criminals are criminals because they are unable to understand consequences in a reality-based manner. It is why it is a hard problem to solve.

2020-12-05 16:22:04 UTC  

@MatiLuc take JDs advice. He is still a little sore, as you can tell.

2020-12-05 16:22:07 UTC  

I'm sure the full investigation has documentation and witness statements and more. That doesnt make you privy to it. Theres plenty in their statements to display why what was done is lawful and it's up to their office to decide to pursue it further.