Message from @Recalibar

Discord ID: 784930615639408652

2020-12-05 23:31:33 UTC  

Its a tough situation. Everyone wants it to be black and white but this could have all be avoided if they were allowed to walk around.

2020-12-05 23:32:24 UTC  

It's hard to watch that video and not think "Damn, she just finessed a whole state!"

2020-12-05 23:32:58 UTC  

In other news....Smartmatic's head will be stepping up to the Head of Open Society Foundations...which is Soros play place.

2020-12-05 23:33:53 UTC  
2020-12-05 23:34:01 UTC  

brb restarting my slow af pc

2020-12-05 23:38:30 UTC  


2020-12-05 23:41:19 UTC  

Yeah same conclusion these guys came to and they should know, they lost their argument before the Supreme Court.

2020-12-05 23:43:23 UTC  

I've wanted to see that, too. The reporting on this has been dishonest in the RWM. AZ had a total of 52,897 duplicated ballots - this is when ballot won't scan for some reason - like they got damaged when extracting from the envelope or was jammed or for whatever reason. A hand copy of the votes is made with reps of both parties present (in most states) to ensure that the duplicated ballot reflects the original damaged ballot. There must be a ballot ID that lets them match up the ballots. In any case, a sample of 100 of them indicated a 2-3% error rate. They reportedly did another sample of 1600 and there was a discrepancy in 9 ballots that effected both candidates. They are going to do another audit of 2500 per the court, but they are seeing the numbers that would have any effect on the election. Here's a fairly detailed article on it:

2020-12-05 23:43:29 UTC  

Thanks! I hadn't seen that video at all.

2020-12-05 23:44:07 UTC  

Yep! I keep tabs on her website releases.

2020-12-05 23:45:58 UTC  

The problem is that these cases will be different enough to warrant their own precedent. All they would have to do is demonstrate how the popular vote has not been determined due massive irregularities and this is the purpose of the article 2 remedy in contrast to to simply telling citizens to “kick rocks” like that case was.

2020-12-05 23:45:58 UTC  

@Corndog, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-05 23:48:37 UTC  

@TaLoN132 i still say the system design is too old school 1776 rules imposed on 2020 society

2020-12-05 23:49:05 UTC  

It shouldn't be hard to figure out when those cases ended up under the table. They have footage of the table being set up at 8:17AM or something like that. So, some time between then and when they were taken out, there should be footage that shows how they ended up there.

2020-12-05 23:51:15 UTC  

Seconded. The argument sort of rests, I believe, on two postulates.
1) Election results are not tampered, and accurately reflect the will of the people. This I believe is still up to the courts to decide, especially in regard to SCOTUS.
2) The legislature cannot be swayed to believe that the election results have been tampered with. I think this will be the more likely of the two postulates that will fall apart. Honestly, I expect that states *may* not send electors at all based on this premise, giving more time for this litigation to settle in courts.

2020-12-05 23:51:17 UTC  

if information system activity is not logged does it make a sound ?

2020-12-05 23:51:44 UTC  

I can't argue with that... One of the main reasons that the EC was set up was because they did not believe the electorate would be well informed enough to warrant their involvement in the decision. The average person is now exposed to more information in a day then they were in a year.

2020-12-05 23:51:45 UTC  

The thing is that when they were put there doesn't amount to anything is you can't show a chain of custody log that gives them credence. Anyone could roll ballot boxes in and who would know if they were fake or real?

2020-12-05 23:52:55 UTC  

Which is what that article should have said but they chose not to. Unfortunately that doesn’t give me much more faith in the validity of that article. At any rate placing them there was a mistake that even if well intended, now opens up arguments from the other side. Very least a bad practice.

2020-12-05 23:53:08 UTC  

I thought I saw the supposed suitcases being wheeled in in early morning preparation sort of stashed under the white table before being pushed under the black one. I may be mistaken though, I'd need to check again.

2020-12-05 23:54:02 UTC  

If it wasn't, I probably was. Who even knows at this point.

2020-12-05 23:54:10 UTC  

You would argue with it if it were just a few red counties in the entire nation that had more people than the rest of the nation and you were stuck under Conservative thumb for the rest of all time.

2020-12-05 23:54:10 UTC  

@DisenchantedTruth, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-12-05 23:55:41 UTC  

BUT....the whole red vs blue thing wouldn't make a hill of beans if the federal government wasn't overreaching it's power through overtaxation and using that to issue mandates .... which is kind of AGAINST everything the Framers set up when they limited the Federal power and put the power of rule over citizens in the hands of the states.

2020-12-05 23:57:04 UTC  

The Sec of State office investigators (they have 23 apparently) were sent to State Farm arena after the initial reports and investigated the claims - pulled the footage, investigated everyone there, etc. and found no wrong-doing. They absolutely could have communicated better. I would love to see breakdown of footage from that night from various sources. The stuff I've found from local news crews does not have timestamps. This article provides some of the specifics on 11/17:

2020-12-05 23:57:10 UTC  

I say we scrap all the Federal Agencies, cut the taxes that are paying for them and give the power back to the states where it was meant to be. Wanna live in a progressive area? Move to Cali. Wanna live in a Conservative area? Move to Texas.

2020-12-05 23:57:13 UTC  


2020-12-05 23:57:56 UTC  

so far we haven't seen compelling evidence for "massive" and absent of that you're not going to see state legislatures overturning the popular vote

2020-12-05 23:59:50 UTC  

Well, that isn’t up to us fortunately. Just have to convince the Supreme Court and a couple of legislatures. No easy task but they will have all the best evidence on the table at that time.

2020-12-06 00:00:30 UTC  

I run into that yes, I can see that people are saying that fraud proven in what, 6? 8? cities isn't "massive"....but it was enough to tip an entire election and affect every citizen of the USA.

2020-12-06 00:00:48 UTC  

And THAT makes fraud in those few cities become massive.

2020-12-06 00:01:48 UTC  

Personally I wouldn’t expect them to find wrongdoing but ultimately a judge or the legislature may disagree. If there is a demonstration of being misled by the government. We got a long drawn out case ahead of us either way.

2020-12-06 00:02:26 UTC  

I felt the same way....why not have someone impartial investigate?

2020-12-06 00:03:20 UTC  

The problem is that significant fraud has been proven in zero cities... There have been accusations, allegations, and disparagement... but nothing has been proven yet.

2020-12-06 00:03:28 UTC  

Scratch this, I didn't catch it again.

2020-12-06 00:03:51 UTC  

I mean, if I've committed a crime or one of my employees committed a crime that will come back to bite me in the butt....SURE, PLEASE let me investigate that crime for you. I assure you, there will be no crime committed to bite me in the butt at the end of my investigation.

2020-12-06 00:04:58 UTC  

Has anyone explained the data? Has anyone explained the votes that were switched from Trump to Biden or just removed all together?

2020-12-06 00:05:22 UTC  

Nothing has been disproven yet either though. We want this to be figured out now but unfortunately those saying they know one way or the other are at the same level of credibility.

2020-12-06 00:05:30 UTC  

Because in PA alone, that's about 1 million votes back to Trump and 220,000 down for Biden.

2020-12-06 00:05:50 UTC  

Except - Sterling and Raffensperger would be national heroes if they proved fraud and flipped GA back to Trump... Demigods in Georgia.

2020-12-06 00:05:50 UTC  

I went through all of that data myself and do still have that one my computer.