Message from @Starscraper

Discord ID: 786499254390226966

2020-12-10 07:41:49 UTC  

Who said you shouldn’t look into it?

2020-12-10 07:41:56 UTC  

Same BS answer, too, I bet. "Oh, nothing is 100%"....

Ok, how about the fact that a clerk in GA raised concerns about her ability to verify the results of the election on dominion machines? Why do you think CO is screaming for an audit? There are countless complaints with respect to Dominion, from all sides of the political spectrum dating back to the very foundation of the company, and those that preceded it.

I can show you video of Tarrant Countie's current election administrator over in the Philipines wondering if he was going to get his head cut off because his machines distorted their election to the point their population had no faith in it, in 2010. Tarrant county just went blue for the first time since 1964, btw.


2020-12-10 07:42:03 UTC  

When I say “you” I mean generally

2020-12-10 07:42:48 UTC  

As for research I've spent probably 20-40 hours in the last 8 or 9 days on it. So don't pull a "I've researched this more" on me.

2020-12-10 07:43:28 UTC  

Are you aware Georgia has recounted ballots and audited the technology 6 times before & after the election. The reports are all available online. If you just care to research.

2020-12-10 07:44:30 UTC  

I'm aware. But the devil is always in the details.

Are you aware they found USB drives of thousands of uncounted votes when they did? And how unprecedented that is?

2020-12-10 07:44:30 UTC  

@Starscraper, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-10 07:44:34 UTC  

Why, a little over a week after Brian Kemp was hanging out with China, did he mandate Dominion machines across Georgia to the tune of $107M? Why did he certify an election that was obviously uncertifiable? Why is that crazy lady from MI that threatened Trump supporters playing friggin ping pong with Zhao Jian?

2020-12-10 07:45:11 UTC  

Hanging out with China 😂🤣

2020-12-10 07:45:15 UTC  

1 usb in 2000 doesn’t surprise me At all. It had 2500 votes. It was simply not uploaded. I do it all the time.

2020-12-10 07:45:32 UTC  


2020-12-10 07:45:56 UTC  

You have no idea how unprecedented that is for votes to find in a recount, do you?

2020-12-10 07:46:02 UTC  

Gee I guess it’ll be the first time in history somebody would make a mistake.

2020-12-10 07:46:11 UTC  

Of that magnitude, yes.

2020-12-10 07:46:13 UTC

2020-12-10 07:46:24 UTC  

Kemp did his job. He got the official vote totals and signed the paper. Trumps bullshit is irrelevant to the real election going on.

2020-12-10 07:46:39 UTC  
2020-12-10 07:46:41 UTC  

No. Every recount changes votes! That’s why you have a margin of error. Do you know how elections work?

2020-12-10 07:46:59 UTC  

19 out of 20 bellwethers went to Trump, yet he somehow lost. Trump won Ohio and Florida, bellwether states, yet he somehow lost. With the lead he was in on election night, there was an almost impossible chance for Biden to catch up, yet he did in the cities that mattered ONLY, and did much worse everywhere else, and Trump somehow lost. You CANNOT tell me that with the unconstitutional laws passed in these places to expand mail in voting and to virtually stop signature checks, and the purchase of the EXTREMELY vulnerable Dominion machines, as well as with the thousands of people who have come forward to outline everything wrong that happened on election night with the harassment and obstruction of Republican poll challengers, and the experts who outline irregularities in the results, and the betrayal and outright REFUSAL of election officials to either do a signature audit to guarantee that the results are solid given this big uproar, which would put this clownshow to rest, or even show up to hearings, you can't tell me something isn't wrong here.

2020-12-10 07:47:00 UTC  

@Fefe, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-10 07:47:14 UTC  

Every recount changes by hundreds, max.

2020-12-10 07:47:22 UTC  

Thousands was insane.

2020-12-10 07:47:37 UTC  

@adam They found THOUSANDS, that's unprecedented

2020-12-10 07:47:49 UTC  

You just it was unprecedented it never happens, now it happens in the hundreds. Make up ur mind,

2020-12-10 07:47:52 UTC  

I'm not interested in more information on your Mccarthyism 🤣

2020-12-10 07:48:00 UTC  

Tell me, man... Why did so many governors make huge $$$$$ deals for facemasks from China?

2020-12-10 07:48:28 UTC  

Don't misrepresent what I said.

2020-12-10 07:48:35 UTC  

It never happens in the thousands.

2020-12-10 07:48:44 UTC  

It does happen, in hundreds.

2020-12-10 07:48:54 UTC  

But not on this scale.

2020-12-10 07:49:10 UTC  

Also, as @Fefe brought up

2020-12-10 07:49:33 UTC  

So did many ministers here in the U.K. were they in on the conspiracy too?

2020-12-10 07:49:38 UTC  

Biden sure broke a lot of records.

2020-12-10 07:49:43 UTC  

Theres a stink coming from Asia but its not China it's the epoch times. Taking advantage of our poor citizens like that. Disgusting.

2020-12-10 07:49:44 UTC  

Best president ever.

2020-12-10 07:50:08 UTC  

You have no viable argument about the election so you switch to China & face masks? @jfindley

2020-12-10 07:50:18 UTC  

Typical. Deflection.

2020-12-10 07:50:44 UTC  

UK ministers were going against a candidate who won Florida, Iowa and Ohio?

2020-12-10 07:51:08 UTC  

Right, yes. non-viable argument... Have you considered you just might lack the brainpower to comprehend the fact that foreign countries have been subverting our (and your) way of life for decades, and this election fraud stuff is just a tiny piece of that whole puzzle?