Message from @busillis

Discord ID: 786733454397931540

2020-12-10 22:54:10 UTC  

i mean thats what biden is

2020-12-10 22:54:19 UTC  

Uncle Joe's having a bad day... Mr FBI agent you can't talk to him.

2020-12-10 22:54:39 UTC  

We need a Special Prosecutor

2020-12-10 22:54:53 UTC  

I'm sure it's in the works.

2020-12-10 22:55:07 UTC  

No, he’s mostly just comprised of dust bunnies and the color beige.

2020-12-10 22:55:16 UTC  

But if they dust off any of the usual dirt bag suspects nothing will come of it.

2020-12-10 22:55:49 UTC  

I wonder what Mueller's up to maybe someone can catch him when he's not in a stupor and inquire.

2020-12-10 22:58:14 UTC  

That's more or less where I am... I guess it is somewhere in the middle. The problem is that we no longer have a reliable independent press. Media companies are corporations driven by profit motives - not journalistic ideals. That why I tried looking at it logically and not in the way that one echo chamber or the other wanted me to see it. On the surface, I think that the GroupThink Confirmation Bias explanation is more plausible and requires less mental gymnastics, but being more plausible doesn''t make it a fact. I just hope that people will come to realize that there are multiple viable explanations beyond what they have likely been exposed to.

2020-12-10 22:59:01 UTC  

Ted Kaczynsky did nothing wrong

2020-12-10 23:01:01 UTC  

Not without the House...

2020-12-10 23:02:16 UTC  

So you advocate for corrupt politicians?

2020-12-10 23:03:11 UTC  

Kayleigh McAcrazy wants everyone to know the odds of Biden winning were 1 in 1000000000000000 ^ 4 and she cannot understand why the media won't cover her totally really facts brought to court.

2020-12-10 23:04:39 UTC  

@TaLoN132 advocates for corruption when party sanctioned.

2020-12-10 23:08:23 UTC  

Eh, I give you a A- on pragmatism. R&R is the closest thing to an unbiased source of commentary I’ve found. MSM (Fox included) is a dying news medium that needs to write striking headlines without alienating their viewership or investors, so no real reporting can happen.
Without news agencies / journalists doing the legwork if falls on independent journalists and then if falls on you the reader to find a second source confirming. That’s why I don’t think the dots will be connected until we are pretty far out from here.
The group think would be wild because Trump would have out swamped the swamp. 🤔

And on the other hand IF there is fraud and IF it can be proved, changes will need to be made and that’s good. Really good for America.

2020-12-10 23:13:32 UTC  

Not at all... If you are saying that partisan-based retaliatory impeachment hearings are to be expected, then it requires control of the House. I would hope that for any high-crimes and misdemeanors that can be proven, that it would be supported by both parties.

2020-12-10 23:14:58 UTC  

I'll take it... Thanks.

2020-12-10 23:17:52 UTC  

Hunter's a good guy I'm sure that nothing will come of his troubles with the government.

2020-12-10 23:18:22 UTC  

Good thing he's not president.

2020-12-10 23:19:19 UTC  

He would make a fine president.

2020-12-10 23:20:02 UTC  

Or attorney general

2020-12-10 23:20:13 UTC  

This is 2020... Anything is possible.

2020-12-10 23:20:45 UTC  

Fortunately, Joe probably has more sense than that.

2020-12-10 23:21:06 UTC  

I certainly hope he doesn't have better sense.

2020-12-10 23:22:12 UTC  

This is entertainment palladium.

2020-12-10 23:42:21 UTC  

I mean theres some bias like the Mellissa Carone testimony was unhinged but they cut some reasonable clips 😂

2020-12-10 23:43:01 UTC  

But he doesnt dismiss the other side which is nice.

2020-12-10 23:47:22 UTC  

Fraud doesn’t have to be widespread to change the election results. Concentrated fraud, in one county, affecting less than a percent of a vote, is not widespread, yet can swing an election. The term “widespread fraud” was carefully chosen by corporate media for this reason.

2020-12-10 23:48:32 UTC  

Let's start with finding fraud then move on to finding enough to flip a state then all the required states. That seems to fit widespread. Still waiting on intial.

2020-12-10 23:50:43 UTC  

Say 10,000 people voted by mail from addresses that don’t exist. Does that qualify as fraud?

2020-12-10 23:53:35 UTC  

How do you vote from an address that doesn't exist??? They literally have to send the ballot to a valid address. How can you receive a ballot to fill out if they can't send it to you?

2020-12-10 23:53:36 UTC  

Sure if they dig into it and find 10k legit cases. Usually these cursory "we believe 10k errors" pan out pretty small with followup

2020-12-10 23:53:36 UTC  

@Dedkraken, you just advanced to level 26!

2020-12-11 00:00:12 UTC  

FOX 31 Denver: Northern Lights might be seen in Colorado Thursday; Communication could be impacted by Geomagnetic Storm.

2020-12-11 00:00:25 UTC  


2020-12-11 00:02:58 UTC  

I agree.

2020-12-11 00:03:52 UTC  

You add votes and use the fake address.

2020-12-11 00:04:17 UTC  

R n r not streaming today?