Message from @TaLoN132

Discord ID: 787611150413201419

2020-12-13 09:21:18 UTC  

That doesn't make sense. He makes bank without it and there are all kinds of scrutiny. People were concerned over Hunter taking a position on Burisma. But now, Joe is supposedly getting secret mansions and cash through the Chinese govt hooking his family members up. I think that Trump supporters are so used to the Trump family being corrupt that it's a forgone conclusion that everyone else is, too.

2020-12-13 09:21:41 UTC  

look corporations go through generations of humans, run by a sitting board... its not even the same game

2020-12-13 09:21:45 UTC  

Tax deductible expenses are expenses (usually limited) that try not to penalize you for double-dipping.

2020-12-13 09:21:56 UTC  

Yes you just did... "it just goes toward paying expenses. It's money that is not going to your pocket"

2020-12-13 09:22:16 UTC  

I worked as a professional tax preparer for like 3 years.

2020-12-13 09:22:33 UTC

2020-12-13 09:22:38 UTC  

But if you can put that money back into the business to cover expenses, it lessens the burden of taxes. Honestly, they could pay a ton more and not even feel it.

2020-12-13 09:23:11 UTC  

That has to be the most boring job one could script. Hard pass.

2020-12-13 09:23:12 UTC  

Well there is that...

2020-12-13 09:23:23 UTC  

Likely nothing...

2020-12-13 09:23:43 UTC  

Pretty boring yeah. It's mostly just you calling the government and confirming info.

2020-12-13 09:23:45 UTC  

whole industry that could be done away with if there were an equal or flat tax, wont happen because the corruption of laws is too easy

2020-12-13 09:24:07 UTC  

Exactly, when you own a corp you can take money out 1. As a distribution and 2. As a salary for your service. You pay tax on both of those. If you are just going to use the profits to expand the company then that is not money you are actually taking out and will just go to pay tax deductible expenses.

2020-12-13 09:24:38 UTC  

Which lessens the tax burden.... good lord..

2020-12-13 09:24:40 UTC  

So that's okay and this isn't? Or 100 took the hundred million while Biden was still in that's okay?

2020-12-13 09:24:50 UTC  

theres so many loopholes too like using assets of the corp

2020-12-13 09:25:13 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Forbes? Until you can get Epoch Times to corroborate that, fake news.

2020-12-13 09:25:26 UTC  

@TaLoN132 is Bidensplainin

2020-12-13 09:25:30 UTC  

@Zuluzeit I agree!

2020-12-13 09:25:31 UTC  

What? I need a busillis to English translator.

2020-12-13 09:25:33 UTC  

Just keep in mind, tax deductibles actually make your income taxed at 0%, unless it's changed in America.

2020-12-13 09:25:37 UTC  

anyone with real money has a corp, because they can avoid taxes, thats not even debatable

2020-12-13 09:25:47 UTC  

(For that deductible.)

2020-12-13 09:26:04 UTC  

Trump's favorite magazine... He likes their lists.

2020-12-13 09:26:06 UTC  

And how is Forbes anymore authoritative than the...

2020-12-13 09:26:15 UTC  

What people dont understand is that you too can today make a sole proprietorship selling garbage on Amazon and use the same "loopholes'. They arent loopholes they are tax law.

2020-12-13 09:26:37 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 The tax law needs to change.

2020-12-13 09:26:41 UTC  

Plain and simple

2020-12-13 09:26:51 UTC  

its not the same, llc also is not the same

2020-12-13 09:27:00 UTC  

There should be deductible limits, in my honest opinion.

2020-12-13 09:27:10 UTC  

Oh lucky lucky Forbes is on partly by the Chinese

2020-12-13 09:27:20 UTC  

All transactions go through CCP

2020-12-13 09:27:37 UTC  

That's the beauty of a centralized totalitarian regime.

2020-12-13 09:27:37 UTC  

there should be an equal or flat tax, get the dirty .gov out of the whole corrupt system

2020-12-13 09:27:54 UTC  

So, it's likely way more than $5.4m.

2020-12-13 09:28:42 UTC  

How is it nit the same? You can take the same deductions. The only difference between an llc and a sole proprietorship is the separation of the business from you as an individual.

Lots of small businesses run as sole props.

2020-12-13 09:28:52 UTC  

Basically you can't trust any of these so-called new sources all controlled by multinational corporations... We've already had this discussion.

2020-12-13 09:29:18 UTC  

Mr Bill Clinton paved the way for this type of deregulation...