Message from @William Dinan

Discord ID: 787795634312577104

2020-12-13 21:30:47 UTC  

Lol. U.N. Sustainable development

But un sustainable works too

2020-12-13 21:31:17 UTC  

@SoonMrWick I just told my dude to invest in what ever companies make what the USMC need to island hop.

2020-12-13 21:31:29 UTC  

so far it has quadrupled itself.

2020-12-13 21:31:45 UTC  

Musk 400% yup

2020-12-13 21:31:59 UTC  

Glad we could help.

2020-12-13 21:32:03 UTC  

When was the last time Anthony Fauci treated A Patient?

2020-12-13 21:32:24 UTC  

@William Dinan what is your day job?

2020-12-13 21:32:37 UTC  

@William Dinan professors havent really seen any bulk of pts for 20 years

2020-12-13 21:32:57 UTC  

A Professor.

2020-12-13 21:32:57 UTC  

the phd pulls them away from the clinic for at least 6 years, then post doc, then publish or perish...

2020-12-13 21:33:12 UTC  

That makes sense.

2020-12-13 21:33:47 UTC  

How so and what Topic?

2020-12-13 21:34:13 UTC  

@William Dinan your general methodology for teasing out answers..

2020-12-13 21:34:15 UTC  


2020-12-13 21:35:44 UTC  

Well, I will take that as a Compliment.

2020-12-13 21:35:53 UTC  

@Zuluzeit you in musk mob?

2020-12-13 21:36:10 UTC  

That was the intention.

2020-12-13 21:36:35 UTC  

@William Dinan the legal team can't be stupid.

2020-12-13 21:37:59 UTC  

I agree. What really is their Objectives? The Million Dollar Question.

2020-12-13 21:38:12 UTC  

The goal is not win, it's to gin up media attention.

2020-12-13 21:38:35 UTC  

Public Support?

2020-12-13 21:38:48 UTC  

Government destabilization starts with sewing distrust in the system.

2020-12-13 21:39:00 UTC  

Public support...

2020-12-13 21:39:30 UTC  

The Biden Revelations don't do anything to help trust in the system.

2020-12-13 21:39:36 UTC

2020-12-13 21:39:55 UTC  

Political Cover for Legislators through Public Opinion.

2020-12-13 21:39:59 UTC  

I DESPISE those assault type weapons and how easy they are to come by. It seems very much like men running around with them are very much compensating for something.

I also teach and to watch my kids go through these "active shooter drills" is heart breaking. The cop stationed at my school is just like all others I have seen in that position, a wanna be Bruce Willis.


If I were on Kyle's jury I would vote to Acquit him - based on what I have seen. I do get that I have not yet seen all of the evidence - but after watching that Preliminary Hearing, I thought a reasonable judge could have found No Probable Cause - but since Self Defense is an affirmative defense and a question for a jury, it was the correct outcome.

Also some Self Defense laws are kinda goofy. I worked with my dad and my best friend's Dad in their law offices. This one case seemed shut and dry Self Defense, brief facts:

Greg was driving to his mother's house to pick up his niece for a birthday party. As he turned onto the road (decent residential area) he heard someone yell at him. He slowed up and saw an acquaintance, Albert, flipping him off, these guys have disliked one another for years. So A shouted back something like "Shut up or I will shut you the F up", and continue driving the 50 yards to his mother's house.

Greg's niece was not yet ready so he sat on the porch. Within five minutes a truck comes speeding up the road, slams on the breaks and Albert gets out of the car with a gun in his hand walking toward Greg, who is still on the porch.

2020-12-13 21:40:01 UTC  

Greg has always kept a small gun (a .22 or something) on him. The fight continues. Shots are not fired until Albert gets onto the porch. Greg is the only person to have actually shot. One shot missed, the other hit Albert, but he did not die immediately.

Greg call 911 and then even called Albert's family to tell them what happened and come get him.

Seems like self defense cut and dry to me. But because Greg had stopped his car and participated in the verbal altercation earlier the prosecution argued that he contributed to its escalation. He was also not licensed to have the gun, bu Greg had no felony record. A single disorderly conduct case as a minor was his only record.

But because the way the Self Defense law as written, because Greg could have been seen to be an equal aggressor or something like that. The Prosecutor filed a Motion with the Trial Court to exclude the Self Defense argument. And HE WON.... They did a directed appeal, they won and then trial was set where Greg eventually won.

Point is.... some Self Defense laws are just whacked.

2020-12-13 21:40:28 UTC  

I agree. Whether trump wins or loses, we’re about to see an attack on the constitution and electoral college.

2020-12-13 21:40:29 UTC  

Yeah that wasn't a copy paste or anything....

2020-12-13 21:40:49 UTC  

LOL... well No.... I typed it all up in just now

2020-12-13 21:41:01 UTC  

That's kind of cynical...

2020-12-13 21:41:03 UTC  

I don't know why people assume people with AR15s are looking to compensate?

2020-12-13 21:41:08 UTC  


2020-12-13 21:41:18 UTC  

AR15s use some of the smallest rifle ammo around.

2020-12-13 21:41:22 UTC  

Evil Behavior or Intent is not limited by a Tool.

2020-12-13 21:41:32 UTC  

I think people just don't understand guns.

2020-12-13 21:41:42 UTC  

I tried to keep it brief.... point is that to me it looks like Self Defense.... but it might not be that easy or simple

2020-12-13 21:42:09 UTC  

An AR15 is less deadly than an M1A.

2020-12-13 21:42:21 UTC  

Tf is a musk mob?

2020-12-13 21:42:31 UTC  

An orgy?