Message from @Phil

Discord ID: 788070173949165568

2020-12-14 15:45:01 UTC  

GA? What's going on in GA really.

2020-12-14 15:45:04 UTC  

the new one in GA is not bad, its pretty specific no?

2020-12-14 15:45:20 UTC  

'New variant' of coronavirus identified in UK, health secretary says

2020-12-14 15:45:45 UTC  

We’ve got bigger issues in London.

2020-12-14 15:46:16 UTC  

Hopefully it's the useless eater adaptation.

2020-12-14 15:46:27 UTC  

yes sort brexit first

2020-12-14 15:46:28 UTC  

One can only hope.

2020-12-14 15:46:30 UTC  

I guess we all should have seen that coming :(

2020-12-14 15:47:09 UTC  

Are you sufficiently scared or entertained?

2020-12-14 15:47:17 UTC  

Here we go again, scrambling into different Tiers. What a joke.

2020-12-14 15:47:39 UTC  

@AdamS are we in tier 3 now?

2020-12-14 15:47:43 UTC  

Yeah why don't they mutate into helpful viruses? You never hear about that.

2020-12-14 15:47:55 UTC  

Yes. Confirmed about 1hour ago.

2020-12-14 15:48:09 UTC  

Do you think it's going to be easier to steal an election in court after he gets over 300 electors when the EC votes?

2020-12-14 15:48:10 UTC  


2020-12-14 15:48:12 UTC  

Nothing to sell advertising with a useful virus.

2020-12-14 15:48:32 UTC  

No profit margins.

2020-12-14 15:48:51 UTC  

Then again use cases are in the eye of the beholder so.

2020-12-14 15:49:21 UTC  

I'm more entertained after I haven't been to sleep for two days... Right now I'm not that entertained.

2020-12-14 15:49:30 UTC  

My money is on tonight being a prime time for GOP congressmen to grow a spine

2020-12-14 15:49:31 UTC  

the fact they keep using this as a sticking point tells me that it probably isn't

2020-12-14 15:50:07 UTC  

What’s today, electoral vote?

2020-12-14 15:50:25 UTC  

Yeah Adam its gonna stream live

2020-12-14 15:50:31 UTC  

I might go pick up a vacuum later... Vacuum the apartment...

2020-12-14 15:51:37 UTC  

And sit around secretly hoping that someone will call with some devastating problem. By call I mean email.

2020-12-14 15:52:26 UTC  

It's going to be a good time. If folks thought a stack of paper afterdavids was compelling wait till they see hundreds of official representatives from around the country voting. Democracy in action.

2020-12-14 15:53:28 UTC  

Two tools used by oligarchs...

2020-12-14 15:53:36 UTC  

Those states have NO right! Travesty.

2020-12-14 15:54:28 UTC  

Not sure how a republic works but I stand behind that statement.

2020-12-14 15:56:39 UTC  

A republic is where citizens vote for a representative and then they go choose the President and then Republicans say no no no actually we have this swell king here and he would like to take his place

2020-12-14 15:57:11 UTC  

I guess the good news is that uncle Joe has surpassed the 2017 male us life expectancy. He's 79 right?

2020-12-14 15:57:36 UTC  

hes only borderline alive at this point

2020-12-14 15:57:52 UTC  


2020-12-14 15:58:05 UTC  

It pains me to see Biden leading this country and as far as Kamala go Fuxk me right now

2020-12-14 15:58:21 UTC  

Hes like the same age Trump will be when he loses in 2024

2020-12-14 15:58:27 UTC  

In hope they have good doctors. Fingers crossed.

2020-12-14 15:58:28 UTC  

Surely we can all agree he won’t last 4years?

2020-12-14 15:59:07 UTC  

biden has dementia, its old people abuse

2020-12-14 15:59:10 UTC  

He won’t last 4 months... After that he will just be a hologram

2020-12-14 15:59:17 UTC  

I'm actually betting yes. But that's not based on anything.