Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 788166064331554827

2020-12-14 22:06:35 UTC  

Pledge of allegiance sucks

2020-12-14 22:06:50 UTC  


2020-12-14 22:06:52 UTC  

"Sounds like the report on foreign interference in the elections is due in by the 18th, this combined with the 2million ccp agents and the 2018 executive order could lead to a big event. Some are saying media blackout of coverage, mass banning on social media etc"

Like this message. Haven't looked into it much because I have more confidence that the media and democrats are going to steamroll in regardless.

2020-12-14 22:07:32 UTC  

Peaceful transition of power so boring.

2020-12-14 22:07:36 UTC  

That socialism nationalist garbage has no place in a free country. The only pledge we should use if the one the founders did

2020-12-14 22:07:59 UTC  

That includes the nationalism on the left...

2020-12-14 22:08:13 UTC  

So, McCarthy was right.

2020-12-14 22:08:26 UTC  

Left right I dont care pledge sucks either way

2020-12-14 22:08:27 UTC  

No place for that when you're shelling for multinationals.

2020-12-14 22:08:35 UTC  

POTUS-E has plans

2020-12-14 22:08:47 UTC  

Poor President Trump. He must be very disappointed on the US (un)Justice System including the SCOTUS.

2020-12-14 22:08:48 UTC  

That is not the conclusion that the Mueller report came to... There was evidence of collusion, but it was limited because of what he believed to be obstruction which he said he could not file charges because of a Nixon-era policy at the DOJ of not indicting a sitting president. Also, rich, powerful white people don't plead guilty to crimes that they didn't commit. It's not exactly a conspiracy theory if people are pleading out.

Now... I personally don't think it was collusion, I think it was incompetence and inexperience that made them meet with the Russians in a suspicious, unreported manner.

2020-12-14 22:09:02 UTC  

You're an anti-nationalist.

2020-12-14 22:09:06 UTC  

Its kind of appropriate Nevada just had a 4.8 earthquake lol

2020-12-14 22:09:22 UTC  


2020-12-14 22:09:25 UTC  


2020-12-14 22:09:49 UTC  

federalist is the word you're looking for

2020-12-14 22:09:59 UTC  

@Zuluzeit CCP owns America now. We the people just haven't realized yet.

2020-12-14 22:10:00 UTC  

What exoneration? He was pardoned, which inherently requires an admission of guilt.

2020-12-14 22:10:01 UTC  

So you like seating power to an unelected bureaucracy.

2020-12-14 22:10:33 UTC  

No that's a strange thing to say

2020-12-14 22:10:42 UTC  

> @Zuluzeit CCP owns America now. We the people just haven't realized yet.
@WaffleWaffle Do we all get a piece of the sale? I feel slighted.

2020-12-14 22:11:08 UTC  

Not really...

2020-12-14 22:12:04 UTC  

It turns out that countries cannot consume tangible goods without producing tangible goods unless said country wants to create lots of debt.

2020-12-14 22:12:26 UTC  

@Zuluzeit as the USA belong to the CCP who in turn represents the people. You already own a non-sovereign piece of it.

2020-12-14 22:12:39 UTC  

I like the constitution. Think it needs tweaking for modern privacy.

2020-12-14 22:12:59 UTC  

Or a better interpretation of the 5th

2020-12-14 22:13:02 UTC  

not necessarily "In 1915, the Supreme Court wrote in Burdick v. United States that a pardon “carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it.” Over the years, many have come to see a necessary relationship between a pardon and guilt. Ford carried the Burdick quote in his wallet, defending the Nixon pardon by noting that it established Nixon’s guilt. More recently, MSNBC host Ari Melber taunted Arpaio by saying he had admitted he was guilty when he accepted Trump’s pardon.

But Burdick was about a different issue: the ability to turn down a pardon. The language about imputing and confessing guilt was just an aside — what lawyers call dicta. The court meant that, as a practical matter, because pardons make people look guilty, a recipient might not want to accept one. But pardons have no formal, legal effect of declaring guilt."

2020-12-14 22:13:23 UTC  

You think you cant have elections without a pledge of allegiance?

2020-12-14 22:13:26 UTC  

@Zuluzeit the CCP is you, you are the CCP. Once you understand, you will love the CCP.

2020-12-14 22:13:47 UTC  

I've already vowed my undying allegiance to the Chinese Communist party.

2020-12-14 22:14:01 UTC  

I said that?

2020-12-14 22:14:08 UTC

2020-12-14 22:14:45 UTC  

Most people don't even have allegiance to their professed value system, think liberal corporatist warmonger.

2020-12-14 22:14:48 UTC  


2020-12-14 22:15:03 UTC  

That's the spirit comrade.

2020-12-14 22:15:24 UTC  


2020-12-14 22:15:56 UTC  

Learned something new, thanks... It's not exactly an exoneration, though, right?

2020-12-14 22:16:08 UTC  

Send president xi my apologies to the ccp. I have gone astray. Forgive me my sins.

2020-12-14 22:16:10 UTC  

I will say a prayer to nothing and take your name.

2020-12-14 22:16:22 UTC  
