Message from @Ghostdog

Discord ID: 788939382664069150

2020-12-17 01:14:15 UTC  

@james j re MI Palmer -- he and the other board members words & posture were very intimidating to me. I find him mentioning her FULL NAME & What part of town she lived AND the school where her children would go. I don't buy he wasn't PUBLICALLY putting her in the crosshairs. The result of this intimidation Wayne County(?) wass falsely certified. Threatening actions = the two dissenting canvassers to certify what they believed was their due diligence.

2020-12-17 01:14:51 UTC  

That's not how code works. When they design the playstation 5 they arent stealing secrets from a super Nintendo πŸ˜…

2020-12-17 01:14:56 UTC  

its sad that democracy and the freedoms we have are less important than winning and control

2020-12-17 01:16:06 UTC  

I didn't say that they did... but PlayStation and Nintendo companies did not collide in any point in the past... not that I'm aware of, although I don't know Nintendo or PlayStation's full history, so correct me if I'm wrong.

2020-12-17 01:16:14 UTC  

@SoonMrWick I HATE that this year was the census -- droves of people are leaving the CA, NY and probably MI tyranny yet the three states will benifit from the Census in the HOUSE.

2020-12-17 01:16:38 UTC  

Gosh, I gotta get back to cleaning -- you guys are so engaging!

2020-12-17 01:17:13 UTC  

That's the point. Nintendo doesnt even use their own code from machine to machine. What use would playstation have for their machine many machines back

2020-12-17 01:18:02 UTC  

Dudes defending dominion when I just pointed out that one of the biggest hacks we've had and the damn company is still in the html code πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘Œ

And about 3 other lies could probably do more but ...why.

2020-12-17 01:18:06 UTC  

thats how sick these ppl are, want to fine a lawyer for having the guts to ask questions and fight for democracy

2020-12-17 01:18:38 UTC  

dont like you we ban you, ban speech, ban guns, ban ppl now

2020-12-17 01:19:25 UTC  

i forgot ban church

2020-12-17 01:19:26 UTC  

@SoonMrWick my beloved auntie lives in CO -- the exodus from the poorly run CA is hurting so many states traditional make up. Austin TX seems to be ruined.

2020-12-17 01:19:27 UTC  

Whaaaat. Why would they do such silliness.

2020-12-17 01:20:04 UTC  

You're not comparing things that are the same. Dominion and Smartmatic were actually merged at one point in time. Playstation and Nintendo were not. If Dominion and Smartmatic were merged at one point, and used the same equipment/software at one point in time, then why is it so far fetched to believe that they continue to use the same 'back-bone' of the software, and just update it as needed? If you need to patch a video game, you don't build it from scratch, you put in a patch/update to fix the issue or add content/options. I'm NOT saying that this happened... I'm just saying it's not as crazy as you're making it seem.

2020-12-17 01:21:06 UTC  

Well sonofabitch.

2020-12-17 01:21:31 UTC  

I leave you for 10 mins an you’re having a domestic πŸ˜‚

2020-12-17 01:22:50 UTC  

the woman who showed how you can just decide to do whatever u want on the voting system was wild

2020-12-17 01:23:26 UTC  

click here, click here, totally rigged election lol

2020-12-17 01:23:31 UTC  

Yea... I had to defend the back bone of our nation while you were out

2020-12-17 01:23:57 UTC  

I saw this before! It's crazy that more people haven't seen it.

2020-12-17 01:24:15 UTC  

Dominion owned a far superior newer product than sequoia had when it was purchased. They didnt need machines those were for a bonfire. They needed government clients. They sold brand new shiny machines at a premium. They needed zero of the tech. My comparison is apt. You dont need 1990 software to build 2020 software. It's not compatible or even use similar programming language. What you are saying is absolutely crazy. Things like windows and excel weren't around.

2020-12-17 01:25:10 UTC  

I’m right behind you now πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

2020-12-17 01:25:16 UTC  

Hey quick question. Where did the needle go.

2020-12-17 01:25:27 UTC  

You dont know what solarwinds is do you πŸ˜‚ just stop man

2020-12-17 01:25:38 UTC  

and the guy who testified all you need to do is insert a USB and rigged election, and they have footage of that Ruby woman who did the late night vote fraud passing around a USB

2020-12-17 01:25:49 UTC  

Are you stupid?

2020-12-17 01:26:25 UTC  

There are some idiots who always answer β€œNo” to every question, now tell me. Are you one of them?

2020-12-17 01:26:40 UTC  

What she’s saying is not crazy. It’s called an analogy.

2020-12-17 01:26:48 UTC  
2020-12-17 01:26:58 UTC  

Actually Windows was created in 1990, and Excel was created in 1985.

2020-12-17 01:27:24 UTC  

u cannot reason with a someone that is a globalist that hates theor own country, and makes excuses and defends the sickest group of warmongers and pedophiles on earth

2020-12-17 01:27:25 UTC  

Simmer down when the left wants to hear from you... You'll know it.

2020-12-17 01:27:51 UTC  

You too Missy... The left ain't got time for you...

2020-12-17 01:28:01 UTC  

I know I know... I'm trying

2020-12-17 01:28:19 UTC  

Nothing you can do they just talk over everybody and think they're right.

2020-12-17 01:28:26 UTC  

I’m actually trying to behave here, its taking a lot of self-control.

2020-12-17 01:28:43 UTC  

I'll bet.

2020-12-17 01:28:48 UTC  

Using software doesnt make then part of your company πŸ˜‚