Message from @Philip R

Discord ID: 794425973877506068

2021-01-01 04:41:06 UTC  

The scientific method is hard, unbiased logic. Is theory verifiable, can it be reproduced and lead to same results? Why the world is accepting Communism is as troubling as spending years trying to defeat it.

2021-01-01 04:41:06 UTC  

You're using this to somehow link causation to Fox news not being right wing though, keep that in mind.

2021-01-01 04:41:06 UTC  

romney was a rino before trump got elected

2021-01-01 04:41:09 UTC  

so was mccain, etc

2021-01-01 04:41:21 UTC  

> Everyone that doesn't support Trump is a RINO, or a leftie by this logic. It's actually **ridiculous**.
@Maw It can't accumulate forever. They are running out of enemies to brand.

2021-01-01 04:41:44 UTC  

You're literally alienating yourselves all into a corner, I hope you guys understand this.

2021-01-01 04:42:11 UTC  

It isn't a causation, it is a conclusion from observation. Fox is not right wing, it is centrist pandering to a conservative audience.

2021-01-01 04:42:22 UTC  

No, not causation, but evidence. As opposed to subjective opinions.

2021-01-01 04:42:37 UTC  

> You're literally alienating yourselves all into a corner, I hope you guys understand this.
@Maw They haven't thought through to that part. It's their thing.

2021-01-01 04:42:44 UTC  

doses are being distributed faster than they are being administered ... seems like the states didn't prepare for this very well, probably too busy issuing "lockdowns" ... of note is that South Dakota seems to be doing the best having administered over 50 percent of what they been given

2021-01-01 04:42:54 UTC  

Very weak evidence that doesn't correlate at all, as you said yourself. So...

2021-01-01 04:43:14 UTC  

We never really locked down here in FL

2021-01-01 04:43:15 UTC  

Yes, the scientific method is hard, unbiased, logic. In principle. Not always in practice.

2021-01-01 04:43:21 UTC  

Moral and ethical principle. Of course we are alienating. We choose to have a moral platform and aspiration instead of moral standing by convenience.

2021-01-01 04:44:06 UTC  

I did not say that about the Harvard study.

2021-01-01 04:44:15 UTC  

How do you discuss with scientific method with people that think objective truth isn't a thing

2021-01-01 04:44:50 UTC  


2021-01-01 04:44:53 UTC  

With 50% of metropolitan populations. Also, vaccines were distributed only weeks ago. Somehow everyone tends to believe it's magic in a variety of nondisclosed accordance

2021-01-01 04:44:53 UTC  

@meglide I'm sure it's more logistically complicated than we could conceive. Also, who knows who or what would want to throw sand in the pistons politically.

2021-01-01 04:45:07 UTC  

"only vaguely correlates."

2021-01-01 04:45:11 UTC  

With great difficulty. And by showing them their own self-contradictions, such as pointing out that if they say that truth doesn't exist, that claim cannot be true.

2021-01-01 04:45:48 UTC  

Pointing out contradictory logic to people that don't care about logic in the first place is mostly a waste of time

2021-01-01 04:46:19 UTC  

Like saying **social liberalism** is somehow synonymous/close to ancap.

2021-01-01 04:46:34 UTC  

The only thing that follows is the liberalism.

2021-01-01 04:46:39 UTC  

Observed facts are never observed by a mind free of subjective existence. This is why Leftists, for whom emotion determines truth instead of observed reality, cannot effect scientific methodology. One must be a thinker, not a feeler, to comparatively analyze and discuss in a scientific manner.

2021-01-01 04:46:56 UTC  

How difficult is it to conceive? Please explain...

2021-01-01 04:47:07 UTC  

We all do both, fella.

2021-01-01 04:47:10 UTC  

$2 trillion in the first stimulus package, months to prepare, seems like we could have focused our energies more and been ready for the vaccine

2021-01-01 04:47:14 UTC  

And some very well.

2021-01-01 04:47:17 UTC  

The "only vaguely" bit was referring to your "explanation" of why the methodology was flawed, I didn't say that the study only vaguely correlates.

2021-01-01 04:47:19 UTC  

That is also why Leftists congregate in soft sciences where narrative may be substituted as fact.

2021-01-01 04:48:00 UTC  

True. I was talking about people who don't believe truth exists, not those who don't believe in logic. With those, I would point out that they themselves use logic.

2021-01-01 04:48:53 UTC  

Then explain how this correlates, where is that study on how this correlates? You've given me a study that is about something else other than your declaration, which has no bearing on this study. You're just making the assumption that it does. That's why it's flawed.

2021-01-01 04:49:07 UTC  

it takes work, obviously, but at the rate we're going now it will take 10 years to administer the vaccine to everyone that needs/wants it

2021-01-01 04:49:31 UTC  

> $2 trillion in the first stimulus package, months to prepare, seems like we could have focused our energies more and been ready for the vaccine
@meglide lol yeah you'd think so. Maybe a smidgen of that 2T went into some pockets that aren't entirely engaged in the onboarding effort.

2021-01-01 04:49:45 UTC  

The question is then are people in reality rational or merely rationalizing. The more thinker in orientation, I would suggest the more rational they are, but the more feeler in orientation the more rationalizing they are. This is why the Republican Party attracts thinkers and the Democratic Party attracts feelers.

2021-01-01 04:50:12 UTC  

you mean like giving prisoners unemployment checks?

2021-01-01 04:50:21 UTC  

It seems like you're not disputing the methodology, but my application of the study to the discussion here. I said " but the point is that it treated Trump even-handedly, unlike the other media it looked at. That doesn't suggest that Fox is of the right, unless you're saying that being on the right makes you fair (which is an argument I would be sympathetic to)."

2021-01-01 04:50:35 UTC  

Well oiled machine. @meglide

2021-01-01 04:51:03 UTC  

You're the one making the claim they're not right wing, not me! Fox being right wing is sort of something that most people agree with.

2021-01-01 04:51:11 UTC  

It's your onus of proof.