Message from @Philip R

Discord ID: 794439056346841120

2021-01-01 05:29:08 UTC  

I've spent the last 4 years hearing the same people saying there's nothing wrong with this election lose their minds about russian facebook memes

2021-01-01 05:29:15 UTC  

Trump wins = Faith restored?

2021-01-01 05:29:27 UTC  

What is "level 3 communication"? And would your definition thereby exclude frequent rape of the same person?

2021-01-01 05:29:44 UTC  

I'm not disputing that it's wrong.

2021-01-01 05:29:52 UTC  

Trump wins equal the colonization of our nation by the PRC begins to be redressed.

2021-01-01 05:29:53 UTC  

Chattel through the chapel

2021-01-01 05:30:03 UTC

2021-01-01 05:30:05 UTC  

Most of us would be happy with an honest audit, an honest hearing in court, etc, and if all of these irregularities can be verified leading to biden being the winner we're okay with that

2021-01-01 05:30:35 UTC  

It's the fraud we take umbrage with, not the winner

2021-01-01 05:30:39 UTC  

Hmmmm. I knew there would be different conversations in here than anywhere else, but I did not expect to enter on a debate about rape.

2021-01-01 05:30:46 UTC  

NIfty phrases can be fun, but wrong. As in this case.

2021-01-01 05:31:06 UTC  

Yes, it would exclude that. Rape NEVER has anything to do with the existence or non-existence of a relationship. It is a criminal act of force, not a level of relationship.

2021-01-01 05:31:33 UTC  

Actually untrue.

2021-01-01 05:31:35 UTC  

We don't suspend legal processes for purposes of butthurt. Also, ignorance of what investigative measures are and have been taken does not give license to claim they are insufficient.

2021-01-01 05:31:47 UTC  

No it is not.

2021-01-01 05:31:53 UTC  

Relationships and power dynamics have significant importance to ability to consent.

2021-01-01 05:32:04 UTC  

Or, you can claim it...but you'd just be full of shit.

2021-01-01 05:32:51 UTC  

You're rationalising. The point is that governments have a duty to keep people safe (and therefore rape is illegal), and that can apply to marriage also. For example, it is wrong to marry someone underage; that is one regulation around marriage, without which people would be put in danger.

2021-01-01 05:33:02 UTC  

Or a tool. Possible introduction to China that the dems chided for 30 years and Biden...the traditional Republican puppet selected to enforce accountability. Bahaha!!!

2021-01-01 05:33:11 UTC  

That all.

2021-01-01 05:37:10 UTC  

Anyway, I have productive work to do, so I'll have to leave it there.

2021-01-01 05:37:28 UTC  

Have a good new years! @Philip R

2021-01-01 05:37:33 UTC  

Take care. Happy new year.

2021-01-01 05:37:37 UTC  

@Maw @Philip R As someone that has been raped, I am aware of the intricacies. The act of rape is and is always a criminal act of force. It is not dependent upon nor limited to interpersonal relations. A relationship with an intended victim creates ease of access but does not effect, does not compel, the action. Rape is illegal because it is a physical assault which harms the person assaulted in numerous quantifiable and qualifiable ways.

And no, marriage to someone of any age is not "wrong". Intercourse with someone that is not mature enough physically and emotionally to process the experience as an adult, that is without harm, is wrong.

2021-01-01 05:38:09 UTC  

Not dependent on, but it's very relevant in a lot of circumstances.

2021-01-01 05:38:32 UTC  

for years huh? ... funny how that ballot stuffing thing worked out so well for Trump in 2016 ... you would think rather than whining about it in 2020 he would just re-double his ballot stuffing operation ... this worked for Clinton, Bush, and Obama all two-term presidents, heck Bush even ensured he won not only the electoral college but also the popular vote the second time around

2021-01-01 05:39:10 UTC  

Stepped up his game. Sweet.

2021-01-01 05:39:11 UTC  

Rarely relevant in any circumstances. It is an indirect indicator of opportunity, but not required for it.

2021-01-01 05:39:25 UTC  

Disagree entirely.

2021-01-01 05:39:58 UTC  

And I'm against predatory nature that allows people to take advantage of not having these nuances included.

2021-01-01 05:40:40 UTC  

You need these nuances to stop predators from taking advantage of young people.

2021-01-01 05:40:50 UTC  

Ad hockery otw

2021-01-01 05:42:11 UTC  

That a motive exists is evidence for the commission of the crime. What the motive is that does exist is not relevant to the harm caused by the crime. And these "nuances" are manufactured externalities immaterial to the actual commission of the crime.

2021-01-01 05:42:36 UTC  


2021-01-01 05:42:55 UTC  

Are you trying to suggest young people can actually consent to sex with someone in a position of power/authority?

2021-01-01 05:43:20 UTC  

These nuances **are very important**, as I said before.

2021-01-01 05:43:27 UTC  

My god

2021-01-01 05:44:17 UTC  

How is this even arguable?

2021-01-01 05:45:25 UTC  

Here is box. Nuance not in box.

2021-01-01 05:46:17 UTC  

That is an inference without foundation. One does not consent to being mugged regardless of age (taxation not withstanding). One does not consent to being raped. Further, rape by its very essence can never be consensual. As to being found under carnal knowledge, that is a separate law not dealing with rape. Statutory rape does not exist in the state of Missouri. Carnal knowledge with a minor is illegal.

2021-01-01 05:46:42 UTC  

Yes, but where do we draw the line at who can consent, and why? Riddle me that.