Message from @rip.lul

Discord ID: 795544553158606889

2021-01-04 06:04:05 UTC  

At least that is what I see... and it didn't actually click until one of them actually told me that... the parent of one of my students and this is the quote

"He hates the same people I hate."

2021-01-04 06:05:28 UTC  

Anway... I really need bed. I have to get up and see what the market is going to do tomorrow. I might need to get me some more NIO stock.

Night all Sweetest of Dreams

2021-01-04 06:06:16 UTC  

@JD~Jordan 🀺

2021-01-04 06:10:48 UTC  

in the transcript of the phone call: "Germany: We chose Cobb County because that was the only county where there's been any evidence submitted that the signature verification was not properly done." ...
and immediately after that: "Trump: No, but I told you. We're not, we're not saying that.
Mitchell: We did say that."

so Trump's team did say that there was signature fraud in Cobb county and that's why GA sec of state's office audited the signatures in Cobb

now of course Trump's team is changing their story and saying it's Fulton county ... because of course they are

2021-01-04 06:27:48 UTC  

Democrats have objected to Electoral Vote Certification for the last 3 GOP candidates. For 4 years I supported Dems with the Russian probe and them claiming Trump stole the 2016 election and whatever else they were trying to nab him for... I gave them the benefit of the doubt and was even uneasy about trump. Nothing came of any of it but wasted tax dollars and a failed impeachment. Now I hear them say things like 'baseless claims of voter fraud, trump is attempting a coup, trump is threatening democracy. yada yada yada.. What trump is doing isnt a 'coup' The trump team are making the same challenges under the same federal law previously used by the democrats. Did any body think trump wasnt going to challenge the election if Biden won? This is a typical political cycle. It all work it self out.

2021-01-04 06:30:15 UTC  

The only difference is the trump to teams goal Is to get the election overturned. When Barbara boxer joined in objecting to Ohio’s electoral votes in 2004 she explicitly said the purpose of her objection was not to overturn the election

2021-01-04 06:30:34 UTC  

But you’re right in saying it will all work itself out

2021-01-04 06:30:34 UTC  


2021-01-04 06:31:09 UTC  

The dems tried over turning the 2016 election for 4 years.

2021-01-04 06:31:52 UTC  

There was no mechanism to overturn the election that dems pursued. Getting rid of Donald Trump makes Mike pence (the duly elected Vice President) the president

2021-01-04 06:31:53 UTC  

@gadi 😎, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-04 06:32:14 UTC  

The comparison would fit if it make Hillary Clinton or Tim Kaine the president

2021-01-04 06:32:58 UTC  

The American people elected Donald Trump president and Mike pence the VP to replace him if anything happened

2021-01-04 06:33:28 UTC  

Good point. My point mostly here was he has a clear stated goal; over turning the election. What he is doing isnt a coup. Its practicing every legal right he has to challenge the election.

2021-01-04 06:33:55 UTC  

You are right the talk of a coup is over the top

2021-01-04 06:36:24 UTC  

In my opinion the talk of a coup would only be legitimate if Mike Pence declared Donald Trump re-elected without going through the process of electoral objections. I don’t think one man should decide who the president should be.

(Nor do I think pence will do any of that)

2021-01-04 06:37:35 UTC  

right. Jan 6th is meant for this. Who objects? lets debate about it. 2 hrs allotted for each objection (or something) and done. They are just making people lose sight of what Jan 6 is meant for

2021-01-04 06:39:45 UTC  

The debate will certainly be interesting to watch even though we know what the outcome of the final house and senate chamber vote is.

2021-01-04 06:48:48 UTC  

Members of the house and senate are totally **under the law** to challenge the electors. I think it will be interesting because there are going to be alot of challengers. Notice how the few GOP members who oppose any objections are RINOS. To be fair, i am not sure if I agree that we know the outcome will be. Am i certain he will succeed?
Not at all.

He in fact does have a few paths to victory if on jAN 6th he presents **evidence** and not theory.

Upsets in sports are called upsets for a reason.

2021-01-04 06:49:38 UTC  

The evidence would need to be so damming that it gets democrats to support rejection of electors

2021-01-04 06:50:01 UTC  

Which would be a major upset victory. lol

2021-01-04 06:50:16 UTC  

Is that possible? Yes, but I don’t think even damming evidence would get enough dems to cross over

2021-01-04 06:50:49 UTC  


2021-01-04 06:51:28 UTC  

All of the democrats in seats won by president trump by large margins lost re-election so the current democratic caucus is made up of dems from blue districts

2021-01-04 06:52:55 UTC  

I just cant wait for it to be over and Honest Biden to save the country.

2021-01-04 06:54:42 UTC  

I know Big Pharma cant wait for Biden to get into office.

2021-01-04 06:55:07 UTC  

and Wall Street.

2021-01-04 06:55:34 UTC  

Im sure the armed forces are itching to go back to a pointlesss war as well.

2021-01-04 07:42:02 UTC  

You took the wrong pill, JT. You're screwed

2021-01-04 07:44:13 UTC  

I think he took the right pill, like the rest of us.

2021-01-04 11:24:09 UTC  

Letter to Tulsi Gabbard

2021-01-04 12:33:58 UTC  

That’s the rub really. It’s clearly going to take more compelling evidence to convince legislatures from the opposing party than judges from all political leanings from the far more apolitical branch.

2021-01-04 14:09:10 UTC  

The only good thing about info wars is they put it all in their name

2021-01-04 14:11:45 UTC  

yeah attack the ppl or the messenger, cant argue the substance

2021-01-04 14:12:52 UTC  

hunter biden getting over a billion dollars from China for a puppet investment firm, no big deal.. extorting Ukraine who cares right

2021-01-04 14:14:16 UTC  

he can easily be impeached, but is Kamala worse? idk

2021-01-04 14:14:37 UTC  

Alex Jones zero credibility absolutely is about the substance πŸ˜‚