Message from @JD~Jordan

Discord ID: 795532183040557066

2021-01-04 05:51:30 UTC  

Yes we do. If he is making that claim based on any evidence then show us the evidence. THe evidence doesn't exist because its not true.

He also said that his crowd was bigger than Obama and that God parted the clouds and stopped the rain when he stepped up to to microphone

I suppose you believe that shit too

2021-01-04 05:51:43 UTC  

That's what I think too.

2021-01-04 05:51:50 UTC  

That's why I was saying it was suspicious.

2021-01-04 05:52:19 UTC  

They don't? LOL.... that is where Trump is to put his EVIDENCE.... he has filed over 60 and not in a single incident where he alleged fraud was the case sustained

2021-01-04 05:52:40 UTC  

Sure you're right.

2021-01-04 05:52:51 UTC  

I know.

2021-01-04 05:53:11 UTC  

Now he's suing the Secretary of State to bring.@busillis

2021-01-04 05:53:30 UTC  

And if Trump leaked that call he is a fucking idiot because what he is doing there could be criminal

2021-01-04 05:53:53 UTC  

Definitely, it's mostly him talking and he's repeating over and over all these claims ... in his mind this is the case and the best way to get it out there is to leak it ... this is the second throwing of the GA sec of state under the bus

2021-01-04 05:54:03 UTC  

What do you mean "now"? He has sued 6 Sec of States at least once already and some more than that

2021-01-04 05:54:06 UTC  

@JD~Jordan somebody said this once I think it's timeless.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

2021-01-04 05:54:17 UTC  


2021-01-04 05:54:22 UTC  

Trump seriously just wants to create another 'birther' conspiracy.

2021-01-04 05:54:30 UTC  

Ironically enough we dont truly know he existed

2021-01-04 05:54:45 UTC  

He's still beating that drum 12 years later

2021-01-04 05:55:51 UTC  

Yeppers... according to Trump he won the popular vote in 2016 and Millions of "Illegals" voted. He is the ultimate con man....

2021-01-04 05:56:32 UTC  

I don't know if he's crazy or crazy like a fox but I don't think he's an idiot ... I do think this phone call with resonate with his supporters, they will use the President's own words as he repeats all these claims of fraud over and over again as proof the there was fraud

2021-01-04 05:56:37 UTC  

I mean... the guy who can no longer run a charity because he was stealing from it is the guy these folks are choosing to believe

2021-01-04 05:57:05 UTC  

and send their money to ... don't forget that

2021-01-04 05:57:50 UTC  

Yeah... I say Trump is an idiot a lot and I dont actually mean it like that. I think he has done some horrifically stupid things. But he is not an idiot in the true sense of the word.

He is absolutely brilliant at the media game

2021-01-04 06:00:52 UTC  

I have never seen anything like his hold over people in the rural south. Its crazy. They fly flags and scream his name out car windows. Its like he is their favorite football team or the star player on their favorite team. That is the closest thing I can compare it to....

They can't discuss his policies with you, they often don't even know what his policies are.... but damn do they love him.

So he has to be brilliant in whatever area that would cause that to happen

2021-01-04 06:01:02 UTC  

@JD~Jordan a guy who is a billionaire gets poor working class folks to send him money for a legal fight he has no way of winning and only 5 cents on the dollar goes to legal expenses ... yeah that is crazy like a fox kinda of stuff right there

2021-01-04 06:01:52 UTC  

I KNOW..... it crazy.... because the same people 6 years ago hated anyone that would sit on a gold toilet and was born into that kind of ridiculous money.

2021-01-04 06:03:07 UTC  

I think its just that he hates or tells them he hates the same people they hate..... "they are rapist.... they are criminal.... they are stealing your jobs and your healthcare.... its not your fault that times are bad or you cant pay rent its the brown people's fault"

2021-01-04 06:04:05 UTC  

At least that is what I see... and it didn't actually click until one of them actually told me that... the parent of one of my students and this is the quote

"He hates the same people I hate."

2021-01-04 06:05:28 UTC  

Anway... I really need bed. I have to get up and see what the market is going to do tomorrow. I might need to get me some more NIO stock.

Night all Sweetest of Dreams

2021-01-04 06:06:16 UTC  
2021-01-04 06:10:48 UTC  

in the transcript of the phone call: "Germany: We chose Cobb County because that was the only county where there's been any evidence submitted that the signature verification was not properly done." ...
and immediately after that: "Trump: No, but I told you. We're not, we're not saying that.
Mitchell: We did say that."

so Trump's team did say that there was signature fraud in Cobb county and that's why GA sec of state's office audited the signatures in Cobb

now of course Trump's team is changing their story and saying it's Fulton county ... because of course they are

2021-01-04 06:27:48 UTC  

Democrats have objected to Electoral Vote Certification for the last 3 GOP candidates. For 4 years I supported Dems with the Russian probe and them claiming Trump stole the 2016 election and whatever else they were trying to nab him for... I gave them the benefit of the doubt and was even uneasy about trump. Nothing came of any of it but wasted tax dollars and a failed impeachment. Now I hear them say things like 'baseless claims of voter fraud, trump is attempting a coup, trump is threatening democracy. yada yada yada.. What trump is doing isnt a 'coup' The trump team are making the same challenges under the same federal law previously used by the democrats. Did any body think trump wasnt going to challenge the election if Biden won? This is a typical political cycle. It all work it self out.

2021-01-04 06:30:15 UTC  

The only difference is the trump to teams goal Is to get the election overturned. When Barbara boxer joined in objecting to Ohio’s electoral votes in 2004 she explicitly said the purpose of her objection was not to overturn the election

2021-01-04 06:30:34 UTC  

But you’re right in saying it will all work itself out

2021-01-04 06:30:34 UTC  


2021-01-04 06:31:09 UTC  

The dems tried over turning the 2016 election for 4 years.

2021-01-04 06:31:52 UTC  

There was no mechanism to overturn the election that dems pursued. Getting rid of Donald Trump makes Mike pence (the duly elected Vice President) the president

2021-01-04 06:31:53 UTC  

@gadi 😎, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-04 06:32:14 UTC  

The comparison would fit if it make Hillary Clinton or Tim Kaine the president

2021-01-04 06:32:58 UTC  

The American people elected Donald Trump president and Mike pence the VP to replace him if anything happened

2021-01-04 06:33:28 UTC  

Good point. My point mostly here was he has a clear stated goal; over turning the election. What he is doing isnt a coup. Its practicing every legal right he has to challenge the election.

2021-01-04 06:33:55 UTC  

You are right the talk of a coup is over the top

2021-01-04 06:36:24 UTC  

In my opinion the talk of a coup would only be legitimate if Mike Pence declared Donald Trump re-elected without going through the process of electoral objections. I don’t think one man should decide who the president should be.

(Nor do I think pence will do any of that)

2021-01-04 06:37:35 UTC  

right. Jan 6th is meant for this. Who objects? lets debate about it. 2 hrs allotted for each objection (or something) and done. They are just making people lose sight of what Jan 6 is meant for