Message from @mandarinorange

Discord ID: 776959534052671498

2020-11-13 03:34:41 UTC  

One of his mates is a stoner who is a kindy teacher who gets stoned to go to work.

2020-11-13 03:34:45 UTC  

i take hella notes cuz this semester i ran thru 3 notebooks already

2020-11-13 03:35:01 UTC  


2020-11-13 03:35:23 UTC  

I started trying to only get factual bits I might need for exams so I didn't have to read through as many notes.

2020-11-13 03:59:18 UTC  

here is something for you

2020-11-13 03:59:19 UTC  

Here is the link to a rar file containing all the .json files for the states, and the file, you’d need to download python 3.8.2 to use it, click EDIT with idle, then in the window that pops up click Run, to check how many votes were switched from Trump to Biden in a state, you then type findfraud(‘hawaii’) for example, replace hawaii with the name of the file of the state you want to check, the file for new hampshire is named newhamp for example, so findfraud(‘newhamp’), to check the total lost votes (For both candidates) do lostvotes(‘newhamp’) for example.

[pede444wow] I took the json files that are included here, and wrote a python script to convert the critical data to one csv file, so you can analyze it in excel:

python script:

result csv file: (download and save to csv file, then open in excel)

[montag] Here’s a GitHub repo of the same data source taken at incremental time periods.

We shouldn’t assume the Trump campaign is aware of this. It’s easy to see it “going viral” in MAGA circles and assume they know, but they’re very busy right now. We need to make sure they get this information in their hands ASAP.

2020-11-13 03:59:53 UTC  

shows how they changed the numbers so voted went to biden and not trump

2020-11-13 04:01:23 UTC  

also this is fact and a law that i am gonna post..... all trump has to do its prove 1 state of fraud and its game over biden out trump stays in......

2020-11-13 04:04:29 UTC  

Send this information to [email protected]

2020-11-13 11:57:11 UTC  


2020-11-13 12:00:33 UTC  
2020-11-13 17:15:36 UTC

2020-11-13 17:26:51 UTC  

Lol daily you are my fave

2020-11-13 19:21:00 UTC  


2020-11-13 23:59:10 UTC  

ETA on live @RobertGrulerEsq ???

2020-11-13 23:59:25 UTC  

less than a minute!

2020-11-13 23:59:46 UTC  

TY @FaithJoy good looking out

2020-11-13 23:59:48 UTC  


2020-11-14 01:28:20 UTC  

Hi bois

2020-11-14 01:29:12 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq @FaithJoy Another great stream, have a wonderful weekend you two!

2020-11-14 01:29:24 UTC  

Hello to all the new people in the Discord as well!

2020-11-14 01:29:33 UTC  

thanks for everything @Maw (:

2020-11-14 01:30:13 UTC  

Of course, anytime!

2020-11-14 01:36:56 UTC  

Thank you @Maw derator and Ms. @FaithJoy and all for a great stream! Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week!

2020-11-14 02:06:14 UTC  

They need to get a federal case before Stickman

2020-11-14 09:19:20 UTC  

I live in UK my father was American he lived in San Jose he was knocked down on a crosswalk his wife and my sisters filed a wrongful death suit but did not tell me because they dont want to to get anything what should I do what can I do to get what's rightfully mine ? This is the link to his death

2020-11-14 15:18:22 UTC  

@mrcreamegg sorry for your loss!

2020-11-14 15:33:06 UTC  

@Elias Diaz
Thanks man I'm kinda stuck dont know what to do or how the law works in America but they are trying to swindle me

2020-11-14 17:26:53 UTC  

are you a US citizen? if you are your first step might be calling your local US embassy. even if they can't help you they will know which direction to point you in

2020-11-14 17:27:13 UTC  

or who is an attonery that specializes in your case @mrcreamegg

2020-11-14 17:30:31 UTC  

Hi not I'm British only met the man 3 years ago his family hated me but that I understand and now they have a law suit going for wrongful death they are trying to prevent me from receiving anything but I dont know where to start and how to start

2020-11-14 17:33:31 UTC  

did he have a will?

2020-11-14 17:43:27 UTC  

I'm not sure probably not with me on it but I was told a wrongful death claim would not be dependent on a will and thats why they are keeping me secret from the court we did a DNA test etc they know I'm his son

2020-11-14 22:26:30 UTC

On september 12 2018 Trump declared a national emergency which means that the 2020 election that just took place happened under a state on national emergency. This national emergency specifically refered to foreign interference in the US elections infrastructure.

This is all documented in the above executive order. The order says that the election infrastructure which includes software systems is being compromised by foreign actors. In addition to declaring the national emergency this executive order empowers the treasury to seize all assets of persons(and organizations/corps, companies, etc..) engaged in or covering for foreign interference or in spreading propaganda to mislead or deceive the US.

HERE IS THE IMPORTANT OART: The dominion company is based in CANADA and Scytl another voting software company used is run out of Spain. So we have foreign interferance in US elections. No wonder we had so many glitches leading to vote swapping and deletion. This is clear foreign interference into US elections.

Every media organization that has lied about foreign interferace and voter fraud can be seized and shut down by the treasury department. There is venezuelan money, chinese money and money from political PACS involved in dominion which is itself Canadian.