Message from @Maw
Discord ID: 779344381265707008
Always have been, nothing new.
Sadly, the repetition, the people, seem to not grasp the gaslighting
the judge was assigned Epstein's case
Totally unrelated, but, I was going to get on a plane and go see family in California for Thanksgiving. However, given the uncontrolled uptick in new COVID-19 cases, coupled with the CDC's very strong recommendation to avoid Thanksgiving travel, I cancelled my JetBlue flight. Feels bad, man.
@Adam135 That is interesting, especially since the president actually knew Epstein, and one has to expect epstein had a file on POTUS. I say it is time to....well...drain the swamp?
I just woke up and saw an $8000 autoclave on my carpet. That was weird.
Small one, but still.
I didnt.
Did you?
is that a yes?
Yeah, he gave me a special VIP pass, unlimited access
well, hebo, rather.
Obviously I intend to do shady surgeries in my basement.
That was my first thought.
But then I thought...if it is shady...what would he need an autoclave for?
And my first thought was someone either is wanting to start a tattoo business or piercing business.
"now with an autoclave!"
I imagine you'd save money over time if you used one.
idk, I don't use them obviously.
No law suits for hep C
saves you money, but the lawyer starves
Reminds me of a friend at JH. He has a bumper sticker saying: "Support your local Lawyer. Become a Doctor!"
Only reason I can tell it's an autoclave is because my father was a bmet tech and had to fix them all the time when I was a kid.
And I presumed they're still as expensive.
usefull skill
The high end ones are, yes.
Im sure someone in china makes a cheap one.
ali express autoclave. 9.99
goes all the way to 62 degrees!
I can check the brand for you, sec.
STATIM 2000.
a casette one?