Message from @Bey

Discord ID: 780993682186174495

2020-11-25 02:59:56 UTC  

Maybe it was because they chose to call the first 10 amendments the Bill of Rights....

2020-11-25 03:00:26 UTC  

Governments can only exist if the People, who created them, allow it. Once the creation becomes so large and begins to control its creator does it become tyrannical.

2020-11-25 03:01:26 UTC  

I got lazy... Sorry.

2020-11-25 03:01:44 UTC  

@TaLoN132 Without putting too fine a point on it, Trump is a single observable thing with its own isolated nature (which can be assessed either way according to preference) and 'The Left' is invented, imbued universally with whatever objectionable properties are found in any part of it and assessed according to that.

I think there is something important in the distinction.

2020-11-25 03:02:49 UTC  

I get it... One's a Straw Man. One's an Orange Man.

2020-11-25 03:03:10 UTC  

Sorry... Couldn't help myself.

2020-11-25 03:03:18 UTC  

Any Powers that are not specifically granted to the government by the People in the Constitution are delegated to the States. Yet, we see today, many Powers the Federal Governent has granted itself outside the scope of the Constitution, which is a limiting and restrictive document.

2020-11-25 03:03:34 UTC  

One is a megazord straw man and the other is whether you like a clearly identifiable thing or not.

2020-11-25 03:03:39 UTC  


2020-11-25 03:04:18 UTC  

omg... I'm stating to sound like an attorney...

2020-11-25 03:04:22 UTC  


2020-11-25 03:04:56 UTC  

Megazord was after my time but it's a good analogy.

2020-11-25 03:05:25 UTC  

And after yours as well ;)

2020-11-25 03:06:22 UTC  

But the covid mandate problems are coming from the state level and below, no?

2020-11-25 03:06:46 UTC  

You're always outing me...

2020-11-25 03:06:53 UTC  

The issue is that shutting down businesses deprives someone of their livelihood without compensation ... regardless of motivation there is the law of unintended consequences, who is to say what is and is not an essential business ... we have to face the fact that we can only slow the spread not stop it at this point

2020-11-25 03:07:11 UTC  

Hahaha sorry. You have me by very scant years.

2020-11-25 03:08:33 UTC  

It's become common in the commons. No one enters anywhere without a mask and social distancing. It has become mainstay and isn't even a "new" normal anymore. Just normal but I guess you're bunkered down somewhere completely removed from society and haven't been to a gas station or grocery store or sanitized a buggy lately.

2020-11-25 03:08:33 UTC  

@inwa, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-11-25 03:09:24 UTC  

@meglide It was a matter of slowing it until a vaccine imo. That stops it or close enough. That was the argument, anyway. The point is it wasn't a binary issue.

2020-11-25 03:10:03 UTC  

Also, in New York, gatherings in excess of 10 are banned and in Oregon the arbitrary limit is 6 people. And, there are mandates "banning" thanksgiving and Christmas. There is talk of having certification to "prove" vaccination before being allowed to do, what was once, normal things. It is becoming like Germany, post 1933, "papers please!"

2020-11-25 03:10:06 UTC  

oh no I go to work everyday and follow numerous regulations including wearing a mask

2020-11-25 03:11:00 UTC  

And then there is the Democrats "lists" of Republicans and their vow of never allowing them to work again.

2020-11-25 03:11:41 UTC  

Lists of covid deniers? I hadn't heard of that. For real.

2020-11-25 03:12:09 UTC  

No, lists of everyone appointed by Trump, worked for him, donated to him, etc

2020-11-25 03:12:43 UTC  

Ok. I'm super lost now. I was just getting on board with the covid discussion.

2020-11-25 03:13:11 UTC  

I'm slow. I read slow and I type slower. Lol

2020-11-25 03:13:47 UTC  

let me be clear I see a huge difference between saying folks need to social distance and wear masks when they can't etc. versus saying to a business you are non-essential and must close period

2020-11-25 03:13:54 UTC  

It's known as the Trump Accountability Project

2020-11-25 03:15:00 UTC  

Maybe that's the equivalent of rolling up 'The Left'. Both sound awful.

2020-11-25 03:16:41 UTC  

I'm pretty far left but I'm not out there advocating force feeding tofu at gunpoint or selling the Federal Government deed to China.

2020-11-25 03:17:23 UTC  

The aim is to ensure that everyone who has been appointed, donated, supported, worked for, etc for Donald Trump are doxxed and to ruin their lives and ensure they never work again. It is really insane and radical. It was all over the news about 2 weeks ago. I don't see how this is unifying.

2020-11-25 03:18:06 UTC  

That doesn't sound like a thing to me. How would that work?

2020-11-25 03:18:44 UTC  

to be fair I don't think this Biden's idea

2020-11-25 03:18:54 UTC  

pushed by far left

2020-11-25 03:18:57 UTC  
2020-11-25 03:19:30 UTC  

My understanding is that there are a majority of Trump supporters. How would they be prevented from hiring themselves?

2020-11-25 03:20:04 UTC  

AOC and company are taking on Biden himself

2020-11-25 03:20:58 UTC  


2020-11-25 03:21:22 UTC  

I read slowly and I have two to read. Don't wait up. Lol