Message from @WaffleWaffle

Discord ID: 784637166953037854

2020-12-05 04:18:29 UTC  

@Maw I'm like you about S230... The Social Media platforms already censor. We are just talking about the degree of censorship. They went from too little in 2016 to arguably too much in 2020. Removing the protections will force the platforms to police EVERYTHING including personal content. If they want no censorship at all, then it will only be a matter of time before porn takes over.

2020-12-05 04:18:57 UTC  

Short of splitting them I'd say just changing the law so that if the want S230 protection they must not interfere with content or its distribution in any way.

2020-12-05 04:19:14 UTC  

I know it won’t happen. But something some change must come from 2020 election and be known as the change that happened in history

2020-12-05 04:19:36 UTC  

@WaffleWaffle I'd like to see it split to be honest with you.

2020-12-05 04:20:42 UTC  

Split Twitter and FB and throw out the owners

2020-12-05 04:21:08 UTC  

@Raven Evermore They won't because they fear Tiktok i.e. China and Europe. Their wish for global dominance blinds them to the domestic enemy.

2020-12-05 04:21:31 UTC  

In the meantime I will just spend my time "tweeting" on parler lol. Also, I'll silently curse you tube for labeling stuff as "misinformation" or "the AP called the election for Biden"

2020-12-05 04:21:57 UTC  

Don’t let tiktok in. But again that’s China so they’re already in

2020-12-05 04:22:37 UTC  

Though I'm really thinking something should be done soon. If Trump takes FB to court.... it might actually amount up to them losing a ton of money.

2020-12-05 04:23:32 UTC  

He’s taking them only over hiring people with visas

2020-12-05 04:23:37 UTC  

I think the foreigner prefference lawsuite will be extremely difficult to prove and they will come with a lame excuse like financial difficulties.

2020-12-05 04:23:52 UTC  

People constantly underestimate how smart Trump really is though.

2020-12-05 04:24:24 UTC  

Leave it to Trump to find a way to sue them LOL.

2020-12-05 04:24:28 UTC  

Most people don't like Trump because he doesn't conform to the mold (stereotype).

2020-12-05 04:25:01 UTC  

Curiously enough those that don't tolerate the way he is are the same that preach diversity, tolerance and so on.

2020-12-05 04:25:04 UTC  

That's exactly why I like him though.

2020-12-05 04:25:18 UTC  

Same here

2020-12-05 04:25:32 UTC  

Stereotypes are completely overrated anyway.

2020-12-05 04:27:27 UTC  

You can basically just call them Democrats @WaffleWaffle

2020-12-05 04:27:53 UTC  

or as some say extreme leftists.

2020-12-05 04:27:58 UTC  

We can ask @RobertGrulerEsq if he'd do a piece on how big telephone was split and if the same process might apply to big tech.

2020-12-05 04:28:10 UTC  

Great idea

2020-12-05 04:28:31 UTC  

I don't believe in labelling hahahahaha

2020-12-05 04:29:02 UTC  

Me neither, nor do I pretend to go along with this identity crisis pandemic LOL

2020-12-05 04:29:02 UTC  

@Raven Evermore, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-05 04:29:51 UTC  

I know it's a little insulting, but I refer to them as "woke jokes"

2020-12-05 04:30:21 UTC  

Hahahaha cool.

2020-12-05 04:30:48 UTC  

I would argue that it would not be similar at all. There's a massive divide between administration and maintenance over 10s of thousands of copper wires, and the communications that take place among the 10s of millions of copper and fiber wires.

Not to mention the fact that it's a fairly trivial pursuit to retain control over a wide network of individual corporations.

At the end of the day, if you "break up" alphabet, for example, what you'll end up with is an even more difficult litigious landscape.

2020-12-05 04:31:07 UTC  

The day you wake up and decide puberty blockers are a good idea for 9 year old kids is when you're a complete joke :/

2020-12-05 04:32:07 UTC  

@jfindley It's even more trivial to censor 7 million people.

2020-12-05 04:32:19 UTC  

Just change copper wire to fiber optics and is the same ole.

2020-12-05 04:32:42 UTC  

That's not (only) what alphabet does, though...

2020-12-05 04:32:47 UTC  

I'd say that's the day you go to the looney bin but I am inclusive as hell.

2020-12-05 04:33:00 UTC  


2020-12-05 04:33:12 UTC  

I guess I am too lol

2020-12-05 04:33:35 UTC  

Agreed. But you can find a parallel for search engine, facebook, etc.

2020-12-05 04:33:58 UTC  

I'm tolerant but not so tolerant that I'd agree to give a kid puberty blockers.

2020-12-05 04:35:02 UTC  

I think if you split those corporations up, you're just going to make it harder to control them. I also maintain that the government should not be trying to control them, but, rather, We The People should let them starve to death as we move on to better things that the government also doesn't control.

2020-12-05 04:35:14 UTC  

We are missing a kids bill of rights. Our founding fathers biggest blunder was to think future parents would love their children as much as their contemporaries did.

2020-12-05 04:36:11 UTC  

Exactly why they should be split, they can't control us and the government can't control them. I don't need to control everything. Just give me a way to report a crime if I see one.

2020-12-05 04:36:50 UTC  

You are telling me that it'd be hard to control 5 little googles but we can coordinate a jazillion contrarian americans into quitting their beloved social media? Good luck my friend.