Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 789692761242206218

2020-12-19 03:14:54 UTC  

Let's see your nuance. Or have you none?

2020-12-19 03:15:08 UTC  

I see. So you're orange man bad.

2020-12-19 03:15:20 UTC  

You have absolutely nothing good to say about trump

2020-12-19 03:15:27 UTC  

Open minded for sure. Lmao

2020-12-19 03:15:37 UTC  

He lost an election thats pretty good

2020-12-19 03:15:44 UTC  

So smartass shit

2020-12-19 03:15:44 UTC  

@Whithers .. there is always gonna be censoring

2020-12-19 03:15:51 UTC  

You have 1 good policy he made?

2020-12-19 03:16:03 UTC  

Name me 1 policy trump signed in that you think is good

2020-12-19 03:16:08 UTC  

That would not be my position. I hold those that oppose our best President in US history, President Trump, to be enemies of our nation, since his movement is the *only* thing defending our nation.

2020-12-19 03:16:10 UTC  

Covid aid

2020-12-19 03:16:11 UTC  

Or are you too biased for that?

2020-12-19 03:16:17 UTC  


2020-12-19 03:16:20 UTC  

There we go

2020-12-19 03:16:23 UTC  

Some nuance.

2020-12-19 03:16:28 UTC  

Now something bad about Biden

2020-12-19 03:16:34 UTC  

And don't be like "he's white"

2020-12-19 03:16:52 UTC  

I disagree with the covid aid but that's not the point

2020-12-19 03:16:57 UTC  


2020-12-19 03:17:02 UTC  

From your pov it's a good thing he did

2020-12-19 03:17:06 UTC  

> That would not be my position. I hold those that oppose our best President in US history, President Trump, to be enemies of our nation, since his movement is the *only* thing defending our nation.
@Whithers hahahahahaha we'll be scrubbing at the stink of his stain for decades.

2020-12-19 03:17:06 UTC  

So that's acceptable.

2020-12-19 03:17:15 UTC  

But that is the only thing they dislike about Biden, ok - they also hate him for being male and straight.

2020-12-19 03:17:31 UTC  

They hate him cuz he's not left wing enough.

2020-12-19 03:17:38 UTC  

Tbh the left didn't want Biden

2020-12-19 03:17:42 UTC  

I think you underestimate how many people truly hate Trump.

2020-12-19 03:17:42 UTC  

They just didn't want trump.

2020-12-19 03:17:53 UTC  

Hes a corporate moderate centrist that wont effect real change and continue the right wing ideology Obama pushed

2020-12-19 03:18:03 UTC  

The whole vote blue no matter who

2020-12-19 03:18:05 UTC  

Good old default phantom joe.

2020-12-19 03:18:08 UTC  

Wait Obama was right wing?

2020-12-19 03:18:13 UTC  


2020-12-19 03:18:22 UTC  

To anyone paying attention

2020-12-19 03:18:34 UTC  

What Obama pushed was not Right it was Left. He is a Fascist, as are all the Corporatist Left.

2020-12-19 03:18:39 UTC  

Obama the dude that just said republicans don't live in reality... That dude is right wing?

2020-12-19 03:19:02 UTC  

I mean I guess

2020-12-19 03:19:05 UTC  

Fascism is right wing authoritarianism

2020-12-19 03:19:09 UTC  

Cuz he's outdated

2020-12-19 03:19:19 UTC  

Right wing authoritarianism doesn't make sense

2020-12-19 03:19:20 UTC  

> I think you underestimate how many people truly hate Trump.
@Maw No, he's counting on precisely that to justify his musings.

2020-12-19 03:19:23 UTC  

Right = freedom