Message from @mg216

Discord ID: 795015891242188830

2021-01-02 18:12:47 UTC  

Do you think drug companies and insurance want price transparency?

2021-01-02 18:37:18 UTC  

LOL of course... have you experience a personal problem with that?

I haven't. It cost what it costs and if don't want to pay it I don't get it.

This Bill is really not all that impressive.

The extremely expensive care is typically not optional.... if you wish to stay alive that is

It doesnt lower costs... it doesnt really do much of anything. If you ask how much something is going to cost you they have to tell you. I never experience that being a problem before

2021-01-02 18:44:25 UTC  

XD tds

2021-01-02 18:49:21 UTC  

Was going to respond. But literally every time it's tds with you

2021-01-02 18:49:46 UTC  

Me? Not at all. Ive agreed with Trump on many things. I believe he has been a horrible president. But that does not mean he has done nothing of value. He has done several things that was of benefit. But that particular Bill is just not that big of a deal.

2021-01-02 18:50:32 UTC  

Even when trying to deny it, you can't help yourself

2021-01-02 18:50:54 UTC  

You contradict yourself in the same sentence

2021-01-02 18:51:59 UTC  

On top of that you think this was a bill, further showing yourself

2021-01-02 18:52:48 UTC  

Not worth the energy let's end it here

2021-01-02 18:53:32 UTC  

So your position is that anyone that dislikes Trump suffers from your silly little TDS.

And no, I do not contradict myself.

If I look at the whole of his presidency its been bad... really fucking bad.

But that does NOT mean that everything he has done was wrong or I disliked. He has done things that I absolutely agreed with and thought was the right thing to do.

Maybe you should ask around in the chat, I have mentioned loads of things that I felt he got right or was improperly blamed for something that was not his fault.

So.... if you continue to make this about what you think of me then lets just stop this here and say "have a good day."

If you would like to show me why you feel I am wrong and this Bill is of particular importance then I am all ears.

2021-01-02 19:23:49 UTC  

@Archiver✿(Fake Art Open) If you agree with a horrible person on many things by the transitive property that would make you a....

2021-01-02 19:26:22 UTC  

Guess you are a horrible person then.

2021-01-02 19:40:46 UTC  

Say what you want about Trump, multiple times he was presented an opportunity to increase his power and the federal powers over the state and resisted. He didnt do it during BLM Riots in portland when so many called for him to do so against the mayor. we have governors all across the country who have spent all year being little hypocritical tyrants and enforcing destructive lockdowns on their citizens and grabbing power, Biden has not ruled out a federal lockdown to my knowledge, but at the very least promised a federal mask mandate. Yet preisdent Trump, has done no such power grab by the federal government even though there were those who called on him to do just that. Not to mention a prison reform bill which got people out of jail, not put them in.

Doesnt sound too horrible to me.

2021-01-02 19:42:12 UTC  

Guilt by association is a fallacy, yes.

2021-01-02 19:47:29 UTC  

@Maw now explain what you mean with a little less sarcastic and a lot more nice

2021-01-02 19:47:50 UTC  

I... wasn't being sarcastic tho

2021-01-02 19:47:56 UTC  


2021-01-02 19:48:05 UTC  

And I wasn't being mean, I'm confused.

2021-01-02 19:48:46 UTC  

Hm, I am now confused about what youre confused about

2021-01-02 19:48:48 UTC  

You might be mistaking me for someone else, @mg216

2021-01-02 19:49:20 UTC  


2021-01-02 19:49:43 UTC  

Someone misinterpreted big time...

2021-01-02 19:52:01 UTC  

Like, I actually do believe guilt by association is a fallacy, and I'm guessing you misinterpreted me for someone else, or made a joke that went over my head.

2021-01-02 19:52:07 UTC  

Are you talking about Donald Trump? 😂

2021-01-02 19:52:49 UTC  

@Dedkraken are you being productive to the conversation or just unfunny?

2021-01-02 19:55:19 UTC  

The guy that wanted to withhold funds from sanctuary cities? Deploy a heat ray on peaceful protestors? Deploy the military as a police force? Have the potus be immune to criminal charges from the state like murder?
Are you being productive or unfunny?

2021-01-02 20:01:52 UTC  

Deploy a heat ray? You mean like a hair dryer? Is this the star wars universe?

Deploy military as police force ? This statement is virtually meaningless

Trump murdered someone now?

What planet do you live on? Tattooing?

2021-01-02 20:03:23 UTC  

He went after states that legalized pot. He blocked states from regulating college loan companies. He tried to shove nationwide conceal carry through. He fought governors that didn’t want offshore drilling in their state. They certainly have wanted to force states to run elections how Trump wants.

2021-01-02 20:08:52 UTC  

First off, the statements youre making have so little info and context, I have to assume they are completely made up. But you literally think hes a horrible person for taking part in politics ?

2021-01-02 20:11:24 UTC  

The military developed a heat ray weapon that makes those you point it at feel as if their skin is on fire. It was deemed too bad to use in military combat. Trump has suggested using it on both peaceful protestors and immigrants. No not a "hair dryer".

2021-01-02 20:12:39 UTC  

Bro this is all speculation

2021-01-02 20:12:45 UTC  

"Looked into"

2021-01-02 20:12:53 UTC  

"Wanted to"

2021-01-02 20:13:03 UTC  


2021-01-02 20:13:08 UTC  

No Trump did not murder someone or whatever strawman you want to use. His lawyer in court argued he should be able to as President shoot someone in cold blood and not have states prosecute him for the crime of murder. Yes deploying the military to stop protests and overturn elections is a big deal. Normal presidents don't do these things.

2021-01-02 20:13:09 UTC  

Every article.

2021-01-02 20:13:34 UTC  

This is not something sane people "consider" or ask the people in their administration how to physically do or argue in courts to try and get judicial rulings for.

2021-01-02 20:14:32 UTC  

My statement i pointed to a real life situation that actually happened

2021-01-02 20:14:40 UTC  

This is a waste of my time