Message from @sum

Discord ID: 463521195397218307

2018-07-03 01:44:49 UTC  

@sum Hell to the NAACP, as in, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

2018-07-03 01:45:01 UTC  

Oh, so something a Pole wouldn't know

2018-07-03 01:45:12 UTC  

Might be the same thing as blasting the Soviet anthem on the baltics

2018-07-03 01:45:21 UTC  

around blacks never relax @Deleted User

2018-07-03 01:45:24 UTC  

There's a lot of things a Pole doesn't know

2018-07-03 01:45:31 UTC  

Like anything

2018-07-03 01:45:32 UTC  

Like getting shot in school

2018-07-03 01:45:43 UTC  

or Serbian nationalist music on Croatia <:tipsfedora:383326576609329162>

2018-07-03 01:45:49 UTC  

They also don't know what it's like to make more than $10,000 a year

2018-07-03 01:45:50 UTC  

Or what is obesity

2018-07-03 01:46:01 UTC  
2018-07-03 01:46:31 UTC  

Can I blast soviet music in Poland <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2018-07-03 01:46:48 UTC  

Why not

2018-07-03 01:46:52 UTC  

Will bring my subwoofer with it <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2018-07-03 01:46:59 UTC  

"haha we can't afford food, this makes us better"

2018-07-03 01:47:05 UTC  

Said no one

2018-07-03 01:47:07 UTC  


2018-07-03 01:47:21 UTC  

At least @sum has a clean room

2018-07-03 01:47:27 UTC  

>inb4 I get thrown into jail for spreading commie propaganda

2018-07-03 01:47:28 UTC  

Because he can't afford anything

2018-07-03 01:47:44 UTC  

I can't afford to waste my time having to clean my room from huge amount of waste

2018-07-03 01:48:16 UTC  

Also remember your President praising Poland

2018-07-03 01:48:17 UTC  


2018-07-03 01:48:21 UTC  

b-but officer it was a meme <:thinkjojo:333980344044879872>

2018-07-03 01:48:29 UTC  

And Obama getting Witcher 2

2018-07-03 01:48:29 UTC  

Poland is friend to America

2018-07-03 01:48:40 UTC  

not to drumpfs america

2018-07-03 01:48:48 UTC  

Poland is the best source of Mugs with the handles on the inside

2018-07-03 01:49:44 UTC  

tbh I think blasting Erika will get me more in trouble across Europe. The equivalent of blasting any Johnny rebel song in the US

2018-07-03 01:50:04 UTC  

Johnny Rebel songs are appreciated in the South

2018-07-03 01:50:12 UTC  

If you don't go to Warsaw

2018-07-03 01:50:16 UTC  

There shouldn't be any trouble

2018-07-03 01:50:16 UTC  

<:thinkjojo:333980344044879872> depends

2018-07-03 01:50:32 UTC  

Warsaw is like a giant arts school meetup

2018-07-03 01:50:40 UTC  

With tumblr esque retards

2018-07-03 01:50:45 UTC  

On some parts of the south blasting Johnny Rebel will get you in trouble kek

2018-07-03 01:50:50 UTC  

Expel them

2018-07-03 01:51:32 UTC  

With Dems, but they should appreciate it more.

2018-07-03 01:51:34 UTC  

TBH I rather not blast music. That is just brainlet tier <:blobthinkingfast:427569198886027264>

2018-07-03 01:52:00 UTC  

>having to deal with civics blasting music all the time

2018-07-03 01:52:33 UTC  

or any nip shitbox for that matter