Message from @Dietrich
Discord ID: 478589063545356306
It fucking frooze up
It probably flipped the fuck out
Like he was acting all cheery and happy-go-lucky
But the moment he was picked up
He had the ascii look of O.O
>not Ô.Ô
It was no small dog
I'd say med-big
Small dogs don't like anything, especially being alive
Small dogs are literally cats
And cats are useless
Small dogs are good at killing rats and such
Better than cats because cats kill birbs
The pinnacle of degeneracy 🤢
Now that's some cringe
Rosalina is bae though
@AstroJannah peak degeneracy is malong teenage boys dress up as girls and calling it more halal than just interacting with adult women.
bought razer deathadder
I was feeling scared as it seemed like it was "heating up"
@johnfrum wtf
Definitely not targeted advertising
I mean, its probably not
I keep getting ads for muslim singles
Shouldn't have looked for Turkish shotguns
OwO I suck at fighting games.
How to git gud? UwU
>///< Help!
Plox help mi nao!! :DD
You cheeky cunt
That might have actually been it