Message from @Metaphysical Monarchist
Discord ID: 458011758599077900
in the original Greek, it essentially says that God = Logos
Logos is the divine, universal order to which all things can exist and function
this can manifest itself within the governmental spheres, social spheres, economic etc.
To reject this is to essentially become a revolutionary
You owe to yourself to read Enoch if you haven’t it’s oseudographia referenced in the Bible
So the Jews were given an option, accept Christ, or reject him, and so they rejected him, had him killed, they killed Logos incarnate
@Metaphysical Monarchist I'll add that to my list, thanks for the recommendation
So, since the Jews killed the Logos incarnate (Christ), they essentially became revolutionaries
Makes sense
And now, the Jews had to gradually form their own new religion
this is why I first tell people that Judaism as we know it is newer than Christianity
Via the Talmud etc
because this one's based on the talmud, yeah
6 century AD
But it was only after ~600 years the Catholic church discovered the existence of the Talmud
the person who told Pope Gregory IX about it was a Jewish convert, and so it was put on trial
What day you of the a Vatican?
Honestly, idk.
There are some traditionalist catholics who say that the state the vatican is in now was prophesised
and that the Vatican II is the whore of babylon
the mass apostasy from the catholic faith to the vatican II sect, the popes being the last 7 kings, and so on
so uh, I'm just trying to maintain my faith and endure the current state of things
I’m honestly looking into Orthodoxy
Baptised Anglican
why orthodoxy?
I think the structure is better
@Rasenemus Are you familiar with Bishop Williamson?
@Nicholas István Am not
The way it works with there bring no overall leader and Constantinople being a Persuasive authority and arbitrating disputes between the churches
The way the Vatican worked I early days
The way I want it to work again
Check out his lectures on youtube and weekly columns, you'll get so much out of them
>he opposes vatican II
I thought you had to support Vatican II to be a Viship
He is truly the last sane voice of reason in the Church without compromising on principles nor being an unhinged sedevacantist