Message from @NiceBear
Discord ID: 484518658111045632
I'm just waiting for VR to git gud,so i can be half wolf woman with big tits.
Tbh, maybe it's also just me too pessimistic
just kickstart your dreams
i will support you,morally
Backend is good and gets shit done. As soon as you get a GUI guy on board it's money on nothing.
Imagine a whole studio developing a game, which is bascially all front end.
>Get unreal engine 4free >asset flip >Draw some cute anime waifu in ms paint >retexture some character with it
>sell it to weebs >profit
Why make a game then?
Just sell some models to VR fags
becau vr fags got'em sweet weebucks
4chan autism or literal?
that sounds autistic
10 doctors 10 different results
it is just meme bruh,migh as well take random test on the internet
everyone is on the spectrum
do it bro
is this for university
Autism is like xmen. Some are Prof X. Some are just guy that looks like a frog
is it hatsune miku in 3d?
i think matthew is the window licker
Every fucking update of yotube mobile makes it less and less fucking usable.
Theres a chink youtube wrapper that does a better job. Even lets you play things in the background
>youtube comments
fdroid > newpipe
downloading, play in background, no ads
its on fdroid because it breaks googles tos.
there is a malware app named newpipe on the playstore though
Just got off work ;- ; came home to more stickers
Letβs see that memeβd up thinkpad
huuuuh boring chat huuuuuuuh
added a lucoa decal to the back