Message from @𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕚
Discord ID: 484514701494190091
cell-shading isn't something you can just import and be done with it. Unless you use some kinda toolbox to begin with and then you're already paying licenses.
would you really want to see your life flashing before your eyes without ray tracing
And even if you do, you still gotta find someone who's into this shit and configure it correctly.
There's a reason indie doesn't produce a lot of 3D
you could just use 2d models for that game tho
why not,less polygons will hurt a lot
would not want lara crofts boobs to prierce my head
Your theory doesn't check out though, lets go back to dragonball.
It's about as cartoonish as it get still a shit ton of polygons
Your argument: cartoonish = less polygons
Reality: Artist has to make a high end model that gets reduced anyway, cause that's current industry standard
You want your game full NDS ?
Ok, nvm then
I do not watch leafy,but that kinda looks like leafy youtuber
that lack of chin is impressive
i've played cartoonish game long ago that looked nice for its time
something like agent xxx
oh hey,is not that screenshot from it
multiplayer was so broken for that game,some people could play as "birds"
Tbh, maybe it's also just me too pessimistic
just kickstart your dreams
i will support you,morally
Backend is good and gets shit done. As soon as you get a GUI guy on board it's money on nothing.
Imagine a whole studio developing a game, which is bascially all front end.
>Get unreal engine 4free >asset flip >Draw some cute anime waifu in ms paint >retexture some character with it
>sell it to weebs >profit
Why make a game then?
Just sell some models to VR fags
becau vr fags got'em sweet weebucks
4chan autism or literal?
that sounds autistic
10 doctors 10 different results
it is just meme bruh,migh as well take random test on the internet
everyone is on the spectrum
do it bro
is this for university
Autism is like xmen. Some are Prof X. Some are just guy that looks like a frog
Some are savants, some lick windows