Discord ID: 779558343806156840

2020-11-21 00:46:58 UTC  

Pic in the top left shows it more clearly

2020-11-21 01:16:15 UTC  

had the exact same convo with some other retards today

2020-11-21 03:55:37 UTC  

Does anyone have any information on these guys?

2020-11-21 03:56:59 UTC  

I found a video on bitchute of a guy praying the rosary in latin, and it was very useful, however I looked deeper into their channel and he has another rosary prayer called the painful mysteries, and he also says, "seig heil" and makes pig noises mocking the hebrew language

2020-11-21 03:57:45 UTC  

wtf is this page bro

2020-11-21 03:58:06 UTC  

looks scuffed

2020-11-21 03:58:28 UTC  

Dont know, it was linked from the channel that I found the latin rosary video on

2020-11-21 03:58:51 UTC  

ha lol. might give it a read

2020-11-21 03:59:18 UTC  

I just wanna know if they're like heretics or something, Because I prayed the rosary along with him which isnt at all good

2020-11-21 03:59:36 UTC  

I mean I didnt know at the time, but still

2020-11-21 03:59:36 UTC  

dunno. would have to look into it more

2020-11-21 04:00:03 UTC  

uh. at the most it will only be a venial sin. if they are heretics

2020-11-21 04:00:50 UTC  

I think they might believe in like "aryan jesus" or something

2020-11-21 04:00:57 UTC  


2020-11-21 04:01:13 UTC  

Wait isnt that wrong tho?

2020-11-21 04:01:42 UTC  

I dont know, hopefully Ill find out what they're all about one day tho

2020-11-21 04:02:04 UTC  

tru. wouldn't worry about it too much. just avoid it to be safe tho.

2020-11-21 04:06:22 UTC  

Ill go ahead an email them and ask them what they're about

2020-11-21 04:06:27 UTC  


2020-11-21 04:06:32 UTC  

"Jesus was a nonwhite refugee"

2020-11-21 04:06:54 UTC  

he was hebrew but other than that he didnt immigrate to sweden or smthn

2020-11-21 04:06:55 UTC  

yeah. tell me later if they reply

2020-11-21 05:07:10 UTC  

Is novus ordo valid?

2020-11-21 05:08:58 UTC  

I was having a conversation with someone on the validity of the Ordinary form of the Roman Rite, and he states that there are a few things wrong with Novus Ordo that would make it invalid;
1. The priest and the people are on the same level on the novus order
2. It's profane. has no value or respect for what’s sacred
3. It took Christ from the center and put the priest and the assembly in their place

2020-11-21 05:10:55 UTC  

And I've also heard arguments that priests ordained under the new rite are invalid, can someone refute this claim?

2020-11-21 05:18:57 UTC  


2020-11-21 05:19:33 UTC  

How is it valid? Im trying to explain to someone that it is indeed a vaild mass

2020-11-21 05:19:46 UTC  

And all priests and clergy ordained underneath the new order are valid

2020-11-21 05:19:50 UTC  

The simple thing is that the ordination and liturgical rite is allowed to be changed to whatever the pope wants since it’s not set in stone

2020-11-21 05:20:50 UTC  

Validity isn’t about how he feels about it

2020-11-21 05:22:30 UTC  

He calls it profane, do you have any arguments that would refute that claim?

2020-11-21 05:23:32 UTC  

It’s his opinion. They still consecrate the sacrament and distribute it. There’s no disrespect in how it’s performed

2020-11-21 05:26:58 UTC  

He a sede?

2020-11-21 05:34:24 UTC  

Not sure, but if he is then that would answer why he takes into question the legitimacy of the Novus Ordo mass

2020-11-21 05:37:09 UTC  

He is not, he recognizes that pope francis is our pope

2020-11-21 05:38:02 UTC  

Would I be correct in saying that any statement on liturgy cannot be infallable, as it would have to be universal?

2020-11-21 05:38:24 UTC  

Therefore the Church reserves the right to change it?

2020-11-21 05:38:34 UTC  

(But obviously not reverse it)

2020-11-21 05:52:19 UTC  

If he recognises the papacy then he must submit to it

2020-11-21 05:52:44 UTC  

Liturgical rites can’t be set infallibly because it’s not a matter of faith and morals