I'm gonna stop you right there

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Ring a ding ding bois

1. Invited through Bison Party (Bison Mod)
2. Male
3.Im a aussie
4. theocratic monarchist. i mainly define myself as catholic
5. I support the AmericaFirst movement, but im not american. fuentes says some pretty great stuff sometimes from the clips ive seen of him
6. I have no political social media. all my social media is used for trolling degenerates. jep stevo on fb if you want
7.Christianity, Catholic

what you talking about

dam she hot tho

yeah she deleted everything

she got insta and shes insane

she thinks christians can be witches

imagine being scared of a w*man

opinion on seamless garment argument guys?

it is true that moral issues are connected because they have the same principles behind them though

seamless garment seems like its not a good metaphor for it

seamless garment does not condemn the death penalty

the state has a right to the death penalty

it just condemns the states use of that right sometimes

its the closest church to the original historic churches, with a direct line of apostolic succession

it basically holds all the true doctrine, rather than schismatics and heretics who have taken from the church, but also added their own to the doctrine (making it an incomplete view of the truth)

and our church was founded by christ himself, rather than a man like every other church

> Wdym founded by Christ, Iโ€™m a catholic and I donโ€™t think thatโ€™s 100% true
@spencerx77 the creator of the catholic church was christ himself. he founded it on peter, the rock

thats not only catholic teaching, thats the whole point of matthew 16:18

> And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

> I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.โ€

this is a show of the power that christ has given them as head of the church

its both funny to suggest to people and also not a terrible read

sounds like you are playing into the propagation of industrial society

use superglue man

it closes wounds and disinfects really quick

yeah superglue would work great on you

is construction fulfilling?

yeah i worked in construction for a year

but it was useful as for me to do

> i get paid to be with guys that love me
better say no homo real quick

my dad was the boss so it was literal family

yeah thats not my area of fulfillment

what kind of construction you do

> I don't think I'll be able to do construction as I want to get a journalism or lawyer degree but I'll need to know a trade because I might join the Green Berets after the SAS
@mrspiderforeman if you doing law then be a sparkie

your australian how can you not know that

its an electrician

its the easiest one

get an apprenticeship

ah no sparkie for you

painter is the easiest on the mind

and as soon as you meet painters you know it

yeah painters minds have been destroyed by drugs

yeah its very easy

theres a bit of preparation but compared to every other trade its super easy

electrician is useful but if you not smart dont try

become a plumber instead

its for all the failed electricians

yeah but not as hard as electrical

theres levels though

i am not into a type of music

i dont like any genre but i like specific songs from most genres

i like all of these but dont see much connection between them

what do you mean stupid

its about the song

i dont care about the words

> Michigan rally was epic. Nick is even more handsome irlโ˜บ๏ธ
@Groog kinda gay bro

better no homo real quick

wasnt he banging ashton birdie

its good soviet music

its basic soviet nationalist stuff

but how does it sound though

how can a song sound retarded

not if it sounds good though

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