Message from @itslennytime

Discord ID: 784607903192449055

2020-12-04 17:12:32 UTC  

WTF have u just converted me to?

2020-12-04 17:19:14 UTC

2020-12-04 17:19:18 UTC  


2020-12-04 18:10:58 UTC  

This is demonic

2020-12-04 18:34:14 UTC  


2020-12-04 18:34:28 UTC  

looking at this horrid thing will bring you running back to God

2020-12-04 20:07:37 UTC  

So true brother Leonard!

2020-12-04 21:41:21 UTC  

> . Maybe god exists, i don't believe we would know gods nature.
why would we not

2020-12-04 21:41:41 UTC  

if God made everything, then the cause for everything will be known in its effect

2020-12-04 21:41:53 UTC  

so we can look at what is and know of God

2020-12-04 21:43:41 UTC  

the bible isnt a scientific book. its not supposed to be taken as one. religion and science are two completely different things. the only times they intersect is with metaphysics, which both rely on.

2020-12-04 21:45:55 UTC  

> I just can't believe these people were in contact with god and were more likely very wise men contemplating philosophy and existence.
if God were to exist why would he not communicate with the only created thing that is able to comprehend him (even simplistically, as complex creatures cant really fully comprehend a completely simple being) and respond to its communication

2020-12-04 21:52:32 UTC  

> I just believe the bible is a code for ethics which all people should follow.
its a bit more than that. if it were just an ethics code you would have a bible thats basically a catechism. just a list of things to believe that would be added to by later prophets.
the bible is supposed to be both historical and allegorical. for example most of the new testament is historical documents. a lot of the old is too. its not just ethics but historical knowledge on what God has done for his people, and how he has fulfilled his promises of a redeemer to humanity through Christ.

2020-12-04 21:54:59 UTC  

also historically people did not just see it as a code of ethics. there would be no reason to convert if it was since everyone already had a code. theres also little reason to convert to christianity for the jews if its just a new code of ethics. you have watered it down way too much

2020-12-05 01:55:46 UTC  

Does anyone know if the niv version of the bible is ok to use as a catholic?

2020-12-05 02:14:09 UTC  

You're free to read any translation but if you're RC you should avoid Prot translations for study/devotion primarily because they omit the Deuterocanon. It's best to read bibles with official approval (nihil obstat or imprimatur)

2020-12-05 02:14:44 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:15:34 UTC  

And I ask because I have one of those hand newtestament bibles

2020-12-05 02:16:31 UTC  

I have a full New American Bible, and I have the Laudete app with the DR bible, but the pocket one is ideal just because its a physical book, and its small so I can easily carry it with me

2020-12-05 02:19:37 UTC  

baronius press sells a pocket DR if you're interested

2020-12-05 02:31:41 UTC  

If I had any money I would cop 😂

2020-12-05 02:33:25 UTC  

But when I do get the money, should I go for the red or the black?

2020-12-05 02:34:30 UTC  

Actually disregard that question, ill go for the black one

2020-12-05 02:46:58 UTC  

Also the niv pocket new-testement I have doesnt have any of the books taken out of it, so it should do for now

2020-12-05 02:47:11 UTC  

And if I really need to I can just go to the DR app I have

2020-12-05 02:52:08 UTC  

niv isnt approved, but its ok for general verses usually

2020-12-05 13:49:41 UTC  

Yes, i am saying that in todays society, religion doesn't work anymore. It's proof is that there are too many non practising catholics, christians and athiests in america. You can blame mtv, sitcoms and media but the peoples minds have been settled that there is no god. If the non practising believed in god, they wouldn't be non practising.

Today people in america follow the ethics of the bible without realising it. They see it as "common sense". The common sense was created by the bible and i want more people to read the bible as a "common sense book" rather than a "god will strike you down if you don't believe in him" even if you agree with all the parables and teachings of the bible and live by them.

2020-12-05 13:50:16 UTC  

Ten commandments as an example

2020-12-05 19:34:40 UTC  

Saying religion doesn’t work because people aren’t being religious is silly. The main reason degeneracy of all forms is so prevalent is because a lot of people ditched Christianity. People don’t want to follow a bunch or moral restrictions, especially the sexual kind.
It also doesn’t change whether it’s true or not. Numbers of adherents doesn’t determine validity.

2020-12-05 19:36:18 UTC  

As for the common sense part, you can’t take that alone. It does not work. You have to take the entire thing, punishments and all. You can’t have rules with no accountability to God. There’s no reason not to do something if there’s no negative consequences.

2020-12-05 19:36:36 UTC  
2020-12-05 19:39:31 UTC  

Also people ignore at least half the Ten Commandments. You are required to believe and follow God to follow the ten. If you are just picking and choosing what’s the point of reading it for common sense then. You are basically relying on people already having common sense to read about common sense

2020-12-05 20:38:07 UTC  

Is there anything in the bible that talks about swearing?

2020-12-05 21:08:15 UTC  

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

2020-12-05 21:12:15 UTC  

So yeah no in the middle with god

2020-12-05 21:17:53 UTC  

dont use his name in vain

2020-12-05 21:44:06 UTC  

I would actually like to point out part of the reason American society has become much more secular and less based around Christianity can be attributed to the incentives that capitalism (I’m not a socialist so don’t mistaken me as such) has brought onto the American people.

2020-12-05 21:45:31 UTC  

It has incentivized a hyper-individualistic, consumerist, and hedonist culture because of all the products it provides. It might have helped with basic necessities like food and water but it’s also eroded our previously more traditional Christian culture

2020-12-05 21:49:16 UTC  

For instance, when the invention of the automobile occurred and people were buying cars, there was a skyrocketing of shotgun marriages because you had a lot of 18 year olds having sex in the back of cars. The invention of birth control means people can have sex without any worry of repercussions (a child being born, granted I would rather if degenerates are to be promiscuous to take contraceptives rather than cause an abortion). And cellphones/computers have allowed for the mass production and accessibility of porn (I don’t think I need to explain how much of a detriment this has been for men)

2020-12-05 21:50:50 UTC  

Capitalism is useful for producing an abundance of products but it doesn’t have any inherent moral goal or priority as to what is done with the products or wealth it creates