Message from @Kookie

Discord ID: 789643362818850847

2020-12-14 19:47:29 UTC  

Suburbs are where all the tradies come from

2020-12-14 20:35:54 UTC  

new york is mega based outside of new york city

2020-12-14 20:36:53 UTC  

closer to the city though you will find native new yorkers who left the city still voting blue and "fighting for social justice"

2020-12-18 03:36:27 UTC  

Order of Melchisedech: A Defence of the Catholic Priesthood by Michael Davies
this is about previous and current ordination rites, the comparison to protestants and how the popes have treated the protestant ordinations, eastern rites and how they differ, and why the eastern rites are valid as well as western despite differences, and why the current form is valid despite small differences with the old rite. this is against both anglican and sedevacantist heresies.

2020-12-18 07:05:07 UTC  

based ^

2020-12-18 07:05:40 UTC  

some really trad catholics unironically think that the novus ordo mass is illicit < not based

2020-12-18 07:06:19 UTC  

they never explicitly say it but they heavily imply it

2020-12-18 11:18:09 UTC  

from the book:
```As Dr. Francis Clark is quoted as explaining in Appendix IX:
"The ultimate test of the validity of sacramental rites is not to be found in scholarship and liturgical research alone. When the sufficiency or insufficiency of a rite is in question, the decisive norm is the acceptance or rejection of it by the Catholic Church."
We have the assurance of the successor of St. Peter that all the new sacramental rites are valid. This should be sufficient to dispel any doubt felt by anyone laying serious claim to the title Catholic.```

2020-12-18 21:43:22 UTC  

I go to Sspx and Diocese Latin mass and I can understand why they find novus order mass irreverent

2020-12-18 22:22:42 UTC  

When I get back to the states, I don't think I'm ever gonna attend a Novus Ordo, if I can help it

2020-12-18 22:23:21 UTC  

Only reason I go now is because Jesus still comes down to the altar, and it's the only Mass available where I live

2020-12-18 22:24:49 UTC  

i went to an NO once and i couldnt believe it

2020-12-18 22:24:57 UTC  

an anglican mass is more reverant

2020-12-18 22:26:54 UTC  

The irreverance is apalling, and yeah I know, its sad. Many Novus Ordo Catholics are poorly catechized too, theres so much sacrilege its not easy going

2020-12-18 22:32:47 UTC  

a lot of the time its liturgical abuse, like when they use guitars and people are dancing

2020-12-18 23:31:31 UTC  

never once have I seen people dancing at any NO mass i've attended

2020-12-18 23:31:54 UTC  

not saying it doesnt happen, but I havent seen it

2020-12-18 23:32:18 UTC  

ill have to talk to my pastor and see if he would be interested in doing a tridentine mass

2020-12-18 23:33:29 UTC  

i cant go to a tridentine mass because the closest ones to me are hundreds of miles away, but a NO is still licit

2020-12-18 23:41:02 UTC  

ill have to ask and see if my pastor would be interested in doing a tridentine mass, hopefully he'll at least consider it

2020-12-19 00:00:48 UTC  

There's been no dancing for me, but a protestant-style evangelical music choir with guitar, even when theres only 10 or 15 people at Mass. The

2020-12-19 00:01:35 UTC  

Mass is still licit, but it definitely is more stylistic of a worship of community and each other than the Eternal Sacrifice of Our Lord to the Father

2020-12-19 00:02:54 UTC  

Not only that but the homilies I have are intrinsically disordered, talking about the environment (lesser creation) instead of the killing of innocent children or talking about mortal sin and the Sacramental life (concerning higher creation, the human soul)

2020-12-19 00:03:14 UTC  

Yeah im gonna ask my priest if we could do a Tridentine Mass as well

2020-12-19 00:12:33 UTC  

just called and asked him

2020-12-19 00:13:13 UTC  

not him directly, but the secretary at my parish, and she is going to relay my inquiry to him

2020-12-19 00:13:34 UTC  

I pray that he will at least consider, because that would be awesome to have a traditional latin mass

2020-12-19 00:38:44 UTC  

Sadly, like Benedict the XVI was saying, it might take an entire generation for the Liturgy to be restored to what it was, many Novus Ordo exclusive seminaries and diocese are doing absolutely terrible and the Faith has been destroyed there. Meanwhile the communities and orders who maintain the Traditional Faith and Liturgy are overcrowded with vocations

2020-12-19 00:39:27 UTC  

speaking of Benedict XVI, I have a rosary blessed by him

2020-12-19 00:39:56 UTC  

If God were to ever call me to a seek a vocation, I cannot, in good conscience, adhere to offering the Novus Ordo, unless I absolutely had no other choice and was forced to

2020-12-19 00:40:33 UTC  

the chains keep comming undone tho so I dont use it because of how fragile it is

2020-12-19 00:41:03 UTC  

I keep it on my rear view mirror in my car

2020-12-19 00:41:53 UTC  

das amazin;

2020-12-19 03:09:42 UTC  


2020-12-19 03:10:02 UTC  

very awesome indeed

2020-12-19 06:54:27 UTC  

Ik this will sound retarded but it's a Schizopost but what if the pope is actually 8d chessing us and is secretly a deeply conservative Christian that is getting all the liberals and progressives to follow Christianity until the church gets really powerful again and then smite all of the sinners to hell?

2020-12-19 07:11:54 UTC  

Sounds a little retarded lol

2020-12-19 07:12:46 UTC  

I don’t see how the Catholic Church (or more specifically the Pope) has gotten any actual political influence in recent years

2020-12-19 07:13:40 UTC  

Or how getting more left-leaning egalitarians into Christianity will cause the Cath Church to become any more powerful

2020-12-19 07:14:54 UTC  

I’m a Prot but I’d say purging the progressives from the Church is far better

2020-12-19 07:16:51 UTC  

Progressive subversion exists in Prot churches as well to the point where you have entire denominations of false Christian doctrine and outright heresy