
Discord ID: 694822942579621920

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1. Zoomer Natโ€™s most recent video
2. Male
3. Japan
4. Paleoconservative
5. Groyper War last year, Steve
6. No
7. Roman Catholic

2020-12-18 22:22:42 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

When I get back to the states, I don't think I'm ever gonna attend a Novus Ordo, if I can help it

2020-12-18 22:23:21 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Only reason I go now is because Jesus still comes down to the altar, and it's the only Mass available where I live

2020-12-18 22:26:54 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

The irreverance is apalling, and yeah I know, its sad. Many Novus Ordo Catholics are poorly catechized too, theres so much sacrilege its not easy going

2020-12-19 00:00:48 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

There's been no dancing for me, but a protestant-style evangelical music choir with guitar, even when theres only 10 or 15 people at Mass. The

2020-12-19 00:01:35 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Mass is still licit, but it definitely is more stylistic of a worship of community and each other than the Eternal Sacrifice of Our Lord to the Father

2020-12-19 00:02:54 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Not only that but the homilies I have are intrinsically disordered, talking about the environment (lesser creation) instead of the killing of innocent children or talking about mortal sin and the Sacramental life (concerning higher creation, the human soul)

2020-12-19 00:03:14 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Yeah im gonna ask my priest if we could do a Tridentine Mass as well

2020-12-19 00:38:44 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Sadly, like Benedict the XVI was saying, it might take an entire generation for the Liturgy to be restored to what it was, many Novus Ordo exclusive seminaries and diocese are doing absolutely terrible and the Faith has been destroyed there. Meanwhile the communities and orders who maintain the Traditional Faith and Liturgy are overcrowded with vocations

2020-12-19 00:39:56 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

If God were to ever call me to a seek a vocation, I cannot, in good conscience, adhere to offering the Novus Ordo, unless I absolutely had no other choice and was forced to

2020-12-19 00:41:53 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

das amazin;

2020-12-19 12:18:25 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and spirit -the Gospel of St John

2020-12-19 12:25:58 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Not only that, but in the earlier chapters in the Gospel of John, he tells us of St John the Baptist (for context). Not only did Our Lord tell us it was imperative to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, he himself did it, and commanded his Apostles (and all Christians) to baptize all people. You can also read the writings of the early Church Fathers/Martyrs like St Polycarp, St Ignatius of Antioch, St John Chrysostom. The Apostolic Tradition and meaning of the Sacrament has been consistent since its very conception. The writings of some of these Church Fathers predate the establishment of the canon of Sacred Scripture too

2020-12-19 23:35:19 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

Luther reportedly attempted to remove the epistle of St James and the Book of the Apocalypse. If you go and read St James' epistle right now, you see that "salvation by faith alone (as the instrumental cause)" is explicitly condemned by him

2020-12-20 10:10:21 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

yeah, preferably by a priest, but if the situation is an emergency or a priest is not available, anyone can perform one. the japanese didnt have priests for hundreds of years and only had the Sacrament of Baptism

2020-12-21 11:38:43 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  


2020-12-22 13:53:09 UTC [Paleoconservative Network #religion]  

you guys know anything about hydroplate theory? sounds legit

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