Message from @Tervy

Discord ID: 493645782046736385

2018-09-24 04:47:01 UTC  

that does sound like OS.issue

2018-09-24 04:47:03 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:47:10 UTC  

it should not be ... that bad,,,

2018-09-24 04:47:13 UTC  

even if its quite bad

2018-09-24 04:47:24 UTC  

Everything is slow though, even software that I run on Linux, too

2018-09-24 04:47:54 UTC  

I guess Windows has a much larger overhead compared to a bare minimum Linux installation and XFCE

2018-09-24 04:48:24 UTC  

I only installed windows to use xamarin forms, but running the Android emulator is so incredibly slow

2018-09-24 04:48:26 UTC  

just check the good old service managers and all the background processes/scheluder

2018-09-24 04:48:34 UTC  

That was my only reason to install windows and I can't do it

2018-09-24 04:48:40 UTC  

and you realise it has more useless malware than actualy software in it

2018-09-24 04:48:41 UTC  

Works fine on my system <:tipsfedora:383326576609329162>

2018-09-24 04:48:51 UTC  

Do you use xamarin forms? @Matthew

2018-09-24 04:49:04 UTC  

@porco daily. It helps me flip burgers.

2018-09-24 04:49:20 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:49:37 UTC  

You made a burger flipping robot with xamarin? That's nice

2018-09-24 04:49:42 UTC  

Is it open source?

2018-09-24 04:49:51 UTC  

Also does it have a code of conduct?

2018-09-24 04:50:06 UTC  

Now btt, I'm not sure if my hardware sucks, Windows sucks, or both

2018-09-24 04:51:21 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:51:41 UTC  

depends on the 6 year old processor tho

2018-09-24 04:52:05 UTC  

if you are running android emu on fucking netbook

2018-09-24 04:52:07 UTC  

welll duuh

2018-09-24 04:52:08 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:52:08 UTC  

Xeon E3-1230

2018-09-24 04:52:20 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:52:23 UTC  

Take the spaghetti out of the fans and stop cooking strombolis on your GPU, that might help

2018-09-24 04:52:40 UTC  

<:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320>

2018-09-24 04:52:42 UTC  

The gpu is fairly new, you guys suggested me that gpu some months ago

2018-09-24 04:52:47 UTC  

1050 ti

2018-09-24 04:52:52 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:53:27 UTC  

Now I understand why you're so asspained all the time

2018-09-24 04:55:21 UTC  

> implying there's a notable difference between ddr3 and ddr4

2018-09-24 04:56:35 UTC  

Honesty even since I stoped being a complete autist and installed windows 10 I am so much happier

2018-09-24 04:57:04 UTC  

Linux isn't autistic anymore

2018-09-24 04:57:06 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:57:24 UTC  

Autism would be openbsd

2018-09-24 04:57:51 UTC  

As long as lunix is free and open source no big company would touch it because big companies like to make money

2018-09-24 04:58:57 UTC  

m-muh android

2018-09-24 04:59:45 UTC  

Android has a shit load of proprietary closed source software