Message from @Cad

Discord ID: 493647044687298561

2018-09-24 04:49:51 UTC  

Also does it have a code of conduct?

2018-09-24 04:50:06 UTC  

Now btt, I'm not sure if my hardware sucks, Windows sucks, or both

2018-09-24 04:51:21 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:51:41 UTC  

depends on the 6 year old processor tho

2018-09-24 04:52:05 UTC  

if you are running android emu on fucking netbook

2018-09-24 04:52:07 UTC  

welll duuh

2018-09-24 04:52:08 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:52:08 UTC  

Xeon E3-1230

2018-09-24 04:52:20 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:52:23 UTC  

Take the spaghetti out of the fans and stop cooking strombolis on your GPU, that might help

2018-09-24 04:52:40 UTC  

<:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320> <:shiggy:232792354610872320>

2018-09-24 04:52:42 UTC  

The gpu is fairly new, you guys suggested me that gpu some months ago

2018-09-24 04:52:47 UTC  

1050 ti

2018-09-24 04:52:52 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:53:27 UTC  

Now I understand why you're so asspained all the time

2018-09-24 04:55:21 UTC  

> implying there's a notable difference between ddr3 and ddr4

2018-09-24 04:56:35 UTC  

Honesty even since I stoped being a complete autist and installed windows 10 I am so much happier

2018-09-24 04:57:04 UTC  

Linux isn't autistic anymore

2018-09-24 04:57:06 UTC  


2018-09-24 04:57:24 UTC  

Autism would be openbsd

2018-09-24 04:57:51 UTC  

As long as lunix is free and open source no big company would touch it because big companies like to make money

2018-09-24 04:58:57 UTC  

m-muh android

2018-09-24 04:59:45 UTC  

Android has a shit load of proprietary closed source software

2018-09-24 04:59:48 UTC  

Is it bait or do you really mean it? @foxhunt

2018-09-24 05:00:03 UTC  

What's Redhat then?

2018-09-24 05:00:08 UTC  

I mean nobody wants to work for free

2018-09-24 05:00:23 UTC  

Only to has his work stollen

2018-09-24 05:00:28 UTC  

Linux nowadays is a huge corporation

2018-09-24 05:00:42 UTC  

Most commits come from Rhel, HP, Google, Intel etc

2018-09-24 05:00:42 UTC  

You can use Linux without using only FOSS, ykno

2018-09-24 05:00:54 UTC  

Consider Linux to be a company at this point

2018-09-24 05:01:10 UTC  

And the different distributions hurt it a lot

2018-09-24 05:01:23 UTC  

With Ubuntu being the industry standard

2018-09-24 05:01:36 UTC  

It's hard to find a company that uses something different than Ubuntu or RHEL

2018-09-24 05:01:45 UTC  

(on workstations)

2018-09-24 05:02:05 UTC  

And docker, snap, flatpak, appimage etc are all efforts to levitate the distribution problem

2018-09-24 05:02:17 UTC  

Also ubuntu is retarded should have chosen something closer to l windows like kde or mont

2018-09-24 05:02:29 UTC  

And those efforts are going great. Compare Linux inter-distributuon compatibility now to 10 years ago

2018-09-24 05:02:53 UTC  

If Software exists for one distribution, you're going to make it run on every distribution with 5-6 lines of additional bash