Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 549291973987532818

2019-02-24 18:05:47 UTC  

the AIDS risk when using PHP is also higher

2019-02-24 18:06:01 UTC  

thanks, that's the only thing I'll miss of this shithole of an apartment

2019-02-24 18:06:03 UTC  

One is OBSESSED about PHP

2019-02-24 18:06:12 UTC  

no, you're not a mod

2019-02-24 18:06:14 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:06:37 UTC  

Yeah, can't be if I'm hetero

2019-02-24 18:06:41 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:06:45 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:07:21 UTC  

Man I'd love me some kebab now

2019-02-24 18:07:45 UTC  

Jokes aside, @nitrokojote what would you need a voice chat in a server full of tinfoils for?

2019-02-24 18:08:06 UTC  

I'm totes not recording 😉

2019-02-24 18:08:13 UTC  

Hm, good point.

2019-02-24 18:08:25 UTC  

I was just wondering, since I rarely see a server without a voice channel

2019-02-24 18:08:37 UTC  

@porco looks gay

2019-02-24 18:08:40 UTC

2019-02-24 18:08:46 UTC  

This is how you should do it

2019-02-24 18:08:46 UTC  

We're kind of special indeed

2019-02-24 18:08:55 UTC  

Knowing our mods there probably is a voice channel, but it's mod only and used for furry ERP

2019-02-24 18:09:04 UTC  

kek fucking probably

2019-02-24 18:09:28 UTC  

Can you hide a voice channel in discord?

2019-02-24 18:10:11 UTC  

Voicing is comfy and is actually MORE secure than text, because it takes effort for one of the parties in the chat to record it, whereas text is recorded by all parties with no action required on their part

2019-02-24 18:10:14 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:10:46 UTC  

Even people who aren't in the channel at the moment

2019-02-24 18:10:56 UTC  

Can't be arsed to test it out tho

2019-02-24 18:11:41 UTC  

Maybe I should make a server for music and voice purposes, just so we can stop bugging the mods about it

2019-02-24 18:12:27 UTC  

yeah fuck it, I'll repurpose one of my other servers I haven't been using. Let me know if anyone wants an invite, but I'm not gonna stress about it.

2019-02-24 18:12:42 UTC  

I thought we already had that shitposting server for that?

2019-02-24 18:12:54 UTC  

Right,but Fedora is there. that's no good.

2019-02-24 18:13:36 UTC  

You need a server to run a discord server?

2019-02-24 18:13:40 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:13:44 UTC  

No, buddy.

2019-02-24 18:13:45 UTC  

How about posting it like this

2019-02-24 18:13:48 UTC  

Old forum style

2019-02-24 18:14:23 UTC  


2019-02-24 18:14:33 UTC  

Baby's first arch

2019-02-24 18:15:02 UTC  

If I had time to waste I'd probably try the Antergos

2019-02-24 18:15:12 UTC  

Or something more closer to Arch

2019-02-24 18:15:41 UTC  

Okay, I have the server set up. Work will have to be done to get the music bot working, but what're ya gonna do. Will probably send out invites next time we have a jam session

2019-02-24 18:15:51 UTC

2019-02-24 18:15:56 UTC  

OwO whats this