Message from @NITRODUBS
Discord ID: 541284324616437770
Good morning. I don't like quentin tarantino movies.
That's the first thing i thought when I woke up
So this morning I was thinking, you could totally take out the profitable aspect of college if low IQ people weren’t allowed in.
I was reading about the history of colleges, and how most scholarships given were based on tests similar to IQ tests, and how that prevented a majority of low IQ people from attending, then realized there’s a direct correlation with the inflation of college tuition and the average intelligence of those who attend.
Not trying to be too rude, but since you’re all familiar with the average IQ of women, this might have something to do with a majority of college attendees being female.
And looking at dropout rates, which have also increased drastically with average intelligence dropping, modern colleges make a surprising amount of money off of failure. Sort of like Planet fitnesses business model, where it targets the physically unfit, lazy, and uncommitted with promises of health, it in that same sense understands that their target demographic will more than likely gain nothing from that membership, they will fail, but they will still have spent money on a membership. College purposely extends a hand out to pseudo intellectuals, the lower/minority classes and delinquents with promises of a turnaround, but that rarely is the case. The low IQ attendee will show up to classes for maybe a couple weeks, or even a couple semesters, gets frustrated with the materials they can’t understand, and abruptly drops out. Or maybe they will even end up in a case where they graduate, but the materials they chose to study are useless and unprofitable for themselves.
If college was built on its original foundation, as an institution for people who can productively use additional knowledge or studies, colleges would be socially AND economically profitable.
Sorry for going off on a tangent I was reading about this a lot last night lmao
@NITRODUBS my impression is that currently there is a lot of debate about whether men or women are smart on average. I have seen both arguments as mainstream arguments. I’d argue men are smarter than women (of the same race) by a couple of points and men are more variable meaning they have more people at the tail ends of the distribution which is why you’ll find more male geniuses and male homeless people
Women are more likely to get degrees in things that they’re less likely to get jobs in their chosen fields for, opting for things like underwater basket weaving or feminist dance theory. So they definitely pick useless degrees more often. I think we’ll see this isn’t profitable when colleges realize who they’re donors are 20 years from now
@NITRODUBS I think a huge part of this is the ease of getting college loans, but I'm not exactly well-versed in the issue. Any ideas?
Women and men have their own pros and cons. Women are usually talented in spoken/verbal outlets while men have more spatial talent.
That’s why men tend to lead in engineering fields
So women still definitely have a place in college, but not in the scale we see today or in the fields they’re currently encouraged into
@Jakob-NY college loans did used to be a lot harder to get, and required a lot more credibility and intelligence
Also I’d like to mention women used to go into college for insignificant degrees just to meet men
That’s how my grandma met my grandpa lmao
@NITRODUBS "Women still definitely have a place in college" oh boy.... We need women at home raising families, not getting useless degrees and pointless careers.
@NITRODUBS An interesting proposal.
My mom raised me and all my siblings after opening a business and secured job for all of us in the future with that, so yeah I’d say for higher IQ women, they can do something with college
Like because of my moms business I have the ability to raise several children while working from home most of the time.
But that’s anecdotal so I’ll give you that
If pro-white and/or Identitarian schools can be arranged, there is a need for teachers there.
I had a dad
Well up until I was 13 but he died around then so that’s not really applicable
Loans are guaranteed now idk if someone said that
@DeusVult easy there, reverse Freud
And women do make better teachers for primary schools, because of women’s natural verbal skills.
@NITRODUBS yeah I believe they call that the Mrs degree hahaha
Also loans have an entire economy behind them that colleges still profit from, even with failure of college attendees
Don’t know if that was the point you were trying to make or not
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Oh yikes I didn't realize this was an echo chamber
Okay be civil
Bigger families is ideal, but the fact is labor is devalued (due to women workers as well as immigration and other things). Not everyone can afford stay at home le trad Murdoch Chan waifu meme.
We do have to work with our current circumstances and slowly but steadily transition back to the traditional family standard
@DeusVult disagreement is fine but I think it is a bit rude to jump to "so you have daddy issues?"
And it’s still entirely beneficial for older women with children out of the home to pursue nursing and care taking positions which do require higher level education
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Well beating around the bush is not really my thing.... I will make sure I censor myself so I don't hurt any feelings.
There are still several fields where men are not naturally compatible to be in that women have to fill.
I wouldn’t say you hurt my feelings it just wasn’t a productive assumption