Message from @Mr.Pink
Discord ID: 303932225810857984
@Hernán Cortés unrealistic i guess or maybe it broke terms and condtions
@Darjeeling Hampsturmfuhrer Pepe will be there.
@Dangerlurking sauce?
I'm going
Will be up in a couple hours
You guys got some good gear?
It's me
I'm the true leader of the alt-right
Also make sure to get some good pics for propaganda later on
I'm actually the leader of the alt-right
We all are leaders
We are all diamonds now
In case y'all haven't heard Steve Stephen killed himself after a car chase
I'm Spartacus
The leader of the alt-right is Matthew Heimbach
There, case closed.
no pepe is
Anticom defending against an Antifa charge at The Battle of Auburn (2017) recolored
Why do we keep posting that guys picture?
Is he important?
-I'm still here though
Do I need to post his picture on the Alt Right discords too?
Is he antifa?
Gonna post more cavalry charges from Waterloo because it's fucking awesome
The only thing that the Red Army was good for
Good news goys
I may or may not have a ride
So it may be good news or not?
Which is better than 30 minutes ago when I definitely did not have a ride
That's the logo of one of the WPC partners
Say it with me now