Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 588778121973727247

2019-06-13 16:12:48 UTC  

God 19 years ago:
@Hiruzen was a mistake

2019-06-13 16:13:00 UTC

2019-06-13 16:23:14 UTC  

The coin machine in one of my vending machines sounds so cute when I'm running diagnostics on it

2019-06-13 16:24:09 UTC  


Im sorry what

why did you put a trojan in that mp3 file

2019-06-13 16:25:15 UTC  

Dear, don't be retarded

2019-06-13 16:25:30 UTC  

wow wtf matthew

2019-06-13 16:25:32 UTC  

i got virus now

2019-06-13 16:26:20 UTC  

Should have installed gentoo

2019-06-13 16:26:51 UTC  

looks a pain tbh

2019-06-13 16:27:34 UTC  

devuan is too comfy, dont see much reason to change back

2019-06-13 17:00:23 UTC  

Is it even possible to embed viruses inside an MP3 in a way that doesn't require the target to rename it to an .exe or whatever?

2019-06-13 17:03:27 UTC  

probably has been a way

2019-06-13 17:03:48 UTC  

but more likely an issue with the software used to play it than the file

2019-06-13 17:11:56 UTC  

i thot it was all the rage back in thr limewire days

2019-06-13 17:12:46 UTC  

Wild turkey spotted

2019-06-13 17:13:02 UTC  

yo what

2019-06-13 17:13:08 UTC  

they just about all wild and that

2019-06-13 17:13:44 UTC  

u gon eat it?

2019-06-13 17:14:03 UTC  

@Joldberg nah, that used to be "Britney Spears,toxic.mp3.exe"

2019-06-13 17:14:08 UTC  

I don't like turkey

2019-06-13 17:16:05 UTC  

the issue, which still is the case, was windows file manager not showing file extensions

2019-06-13 17:16:35 UTC  

You can set it to show file extensions with a single click fam

2019-06-13 17:16:47 UTC  

But it should be on by default

2019-06-13 17:17:40 UTC  

im not dense mate, people who get malware probably dont change any settings

2019-06-13 17:17:50 UTC  

unless directed to be a random webpage haha

2019-06-13 17:18:03 UTC  

seen a few peacocks just walking around, they pretty cool

2019-06-13 17:21:05 UTC  

Like wild turkey or turkey in general

2019-06-13 17:21:32 UTC  

theyre the same animal are they not?

2019-06-13 17:21:35 UTC  

Wild turkey out of season is near inedible, in season it's tolerable but just

2019-06-13 17:22:29 UTC  

Completly different, less fast, more gamey turkey flavor and much less meat

2019-06-13 17:23:01 UTC  

interesting, dont think turkeys as much as a thing here anyway

2019-06-13 17:23:20 UTC  

get it in sandwiches or processed cheap enough like

2019-06-13 17:23:48 UTC  

It's not really a thing outside of the fall here either

2019-06-13 17:23:55 UTC  

And maybe Christmas

2019-06-13 17:25:16 UTC  

i used to download shit without any thots on limewire. i had everything from bible black to horse porn.

2019-06-13 17:26:56 UTC  

one day i asked my dad to fix my computer cuz it was slow and he finds the horse porn and watches it

2019-06-13 17:26:59 UTC  

is this an admission of guilt

2019-06-13 17:27:10 UTC  

haha he watched it

2019-06-13 17:27:38 UTC  

yeah i was trying to sleep and he was watching it at like midnight