Message from @masna fritula
Discord ID: 603334899155599380
I want to buy something from taobao
Mail and phone number has been used
there's no email recovery, only ID and name (tried mine) and doens't work
nick recovery only gives first and last character so i have no idea which one is it
fucking taobao
let me buy some chink vocaloid music please
Can anyone buy me a 30 RMB digital album on taobao? I'll pay in paypal
Just pirate it
this better be a good enclosure
anyone got any experience with it? Lockpick lawyer speaks well of it
its on sale right now, slapped it up on <#287939846662651906>
i bought a similar one from aliexpress couple years ago
same teaching lock, different picks. the teaching lock is easy as hell to pick, has nothing to do with real locks, but it's useful to learn the lock mechanism
the family of lockpicks in my set is much worse than this banggood one, most of the ones i have I have never used and I'm pretty sure they are useless
so yeah this deal looks great for the price specially if the lawyer says so, but bear in mind that you will probably need lots of practice to get barely good at it
most are the same
u can probably find them locally as well for similar price
Neither do they
lock picking does seem fun tbh
@Glas idk either but I'd probably look at chinks download forum and bbs for that
my chink vibrates like crazy
got the leaf one the one that blows itself away
i opened the front half but doesnt seem like its touching anything, cant figure out whats loose, anyone had this happen to his?
this one blade is a bit broken, could that cause the vibration?
How did the blade break
that was last year i dont remember
And yeah a broken blade can cause a imbalance/vibration
when i press the space in between the two buttons on the front and back it stops the vibration
i think its the 18650 battery
put toilet paper behind it and that fixed it 😄