Message from @wrong way willy
Discord ID: 540744811854954509
bots smdh
he joined and left
not sure why but its no big deal
Been having that on several discords lately
@James.18 increase security
Yeah that's the idea
Like very much so
You guys especially
You're in a bad hotspot so anyone taking down your info exponentially worse
Let's move this <#451903610658488322>
let me in let me in let me in
i believe that she will win
Welcome, we have some basic vetting questions pinned that you can answer real quick
1. 18 m
2. socal
3. (a)demographics(illegal immigration included) (b) welfare (c) zionist control of our major institutions
4. towards shittier people, shittier laws, shittier life. Goes without saying that I don't agree with it.
5. not much you can do DAILY, but you can spread your ideas, workout, take actions to become successful in a given field, have children and raise them well, and prepare for the worst.
btw (don't read too much into this) but this isn't ALL the vetting you do right? It would be pretty easy for some one to just make up answers
Yeah we're relatively small, the only way for people to get in is know an admin or know a friend of an admin. But the vetting questions are something we need to work on
I dont take issue with the questions
Just that questions are all you have to vet people
You're in
vet psl
Welcome back
ayy is me
Welcome back, I'll give you your roles when I get a sec