Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 560061160947187713
fuckin libs
GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 1!
epic car songs for the car
I'll leave this here
@Deleted User God Venezuela is one of the best memes
And just shows you that Socialism is one hell of a drug
atleast u will be the best at something
the best at having the highest inflation rate but ay
Hell yeah
Tbh where was Zimbabwe in that vid
😂 😂 😂
Can we all just leave
such nice people
like fam
if u wanna kill someone just shoot him
Why were they attacking the individual? @Duke
@Deleted User makes you wanna do something to your local mailman
it does doesn't it
DA aint gonna take us either when the shit hits the fan in ZA
Get that cancerous party outta the Cape
ZACP and CP boys
Also, also, Russia is about the only hope for the White race that we have left
Its why the Media is so scared of it
If war between Russia and Europe breaks out, I know who Im betting on
Europe has Rifles that break under sustained fire, Russia has rifles that outlast people
Russia might end up being the secret hero of the western world, who would've thought it
GG @Blake4014, you just advanced to level 3!