Message from @Bibleman

Discord ID: 592049287714832384

2019-06-22 03:01:13 UTC  

there are other people reading this too mate

2019-06-22 05:09:59 UTC  

the actual medicinal properties of Marijuana and the Hemp plant are so incredible... so many purposeful things one plant does

2019-06-22 07:59:19 UTC

2019-06-22 08:12:45 UTC

2019-06-22 08:15:30 UTC  


2019-06-22 08:29:16 UTC  

Look I have doubts, fears, and I am not perfect and I do still sin because I am weak and I am still coming to terms with Jesus, who God is, I struggle with Law VS grace, and understanding things so yes I am still afraid. You say I am not saved because I still fear, you may be right and that terrifies me even more.

2019-06-22 08:32:05 UTC  

I wish my walk was like yours Nomad

I hope you get there, brother. It's liberation in its highest form. I can talk you through a lot of my experiences, if you think it may help understanding certain hurdles and perhaps give you tools to help get over your own.

2019-06-22 16:44:48 UTC  

@Brian (Fourth Amendment) We can’t be living in fear like that. You’re a good person. We all sin. We don’t need to ask for forgiveness. What’s most important is that we can forgive ourselves.

2019-06-22 17:46:46 UTC  

we cannot forgive ourselves.. forgivenss comes with asking JESUS to forgive our sin.. He is the forgiver.. not yerself

2019-06-22 17:47:35 UTC  

trust that God knows what He is doing.. He has laid it out scripturally " no reason for treason "

2019-06-22 17:48:45 UTC  

We have already been forgiven. It is our responsibility to acknowledge our sins and repent. But not forgiving ourselves goes against God.

2019-06-22 17:49:21 UTC  

forgiving your "weaknesses" is fine.. but you cannot forgive your SIN

2019-06-22 17:49:42 UTC  

we are forgiven when we ASK to be forgiven

2019-06-22 17:50:21 UTC  

we are not "automatically forgiven of sin," sorry no way its not scriptural at all

2019-06-22 17:50:51 UTC  

thats why there are saved people.. and people who are not

2019-06-22 17:51:07 UTC  

Mark 2:10-12

2019-06-22 17:51:08 UTC  

**Mark 2:10-12 - King James Version (KJV)**


<10> But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy, )<11> I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. <12> And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion. ```

2019-06-22 17:52:00 UTC  

acknowledgeing our SIN is NOT BEING FORGIVEN.. you must ask Jesus for forgiveness and then repent of the way you were livng

2019-06-22 17:52:29 UTC  

We are instructed by Jesus to forgive those who trespass against us

2019-06-22 17:52:37 UTC  

We can forgive their sins

2019-06-22 17:52:38 UTC  

absolutely yes

2019-06-22 17:52:47 UTC  

no no no

2019-06-22 17:53:04 UTC  

If it is against us, yes.

2019-06-22 17:53:16 UTC  

we CANNOT forgive anyones SIN we can forgive what they may have done to us.. but we cannot forgive SIN

2019-06-22 17:53:42 UTC  

the ACT..? we can forgive.. but not sin

2019-06-22 17:54:12 UTC  

Sin is only healed by the Blood of Christ

2019-06-22 17:55:09 UTC  

Christ is a man. Through a man we are forgiven our sin

2019-06-22 17:55:20 UTC  

Christ is GOD

2019-06-22 17:55:24 UTC  


2019-06-22 17:55:49 UTC  

omg.. youmust be a JW bibleman

2019-06-22 17:55:53 UTC  

Matthew 5:22

2019-06-22 17:55:53 UTC  

**Matthew 5:22 - King James Version (KJV)**


<22> But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. ```

2019-06-22 17:55:56 UTC  

ofc im not a JW

2019-06-22 17:56:10 UTC  

Argument over the trinity I see?

2019-06-22 17:56:31 UTC  

JW says Jesus is Michael, thats not what I say

2019-06-22 17:56:34 UTC  

well then what the heck are you saying that Jesus was a man.. He is the LORD and SAVIOR.. Almighty God as man

2019-06-22 17:56:42 UTC  

he's the Son of God.

2019-06-22 17:56:54 UTC  

he's not his own Father

2019-06-22 17:56:54 UTC