Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 590518410794762251
>>ban 588097286803030036
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@588097286803030036>
>>ban 588348859432960021
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@588348859432960021>
Can i ask an actual flat earther a serious question, like i genuinely want to know the answer
Why do you think nasa is doing all of this, like, keeping it secret that the earth is flat would require an immense amount of money, millions would be employed with so many things just working together just to keep it a secret that tge earth is flat, but for what reason? not about flat earth, just all conspiracies in general, it will help you out.
Rather sure Atlantis is in Africa south of Libya. It looks very much like as described. Also ancient maps show that area underwater back then. Now it is 2,000 feet high or more and desert. Perhaps why they kept it hidden from us not wanting us to understand that such up and down heavels were possible.
Set the time to show it. There are many videos on this.
Lmao atlantis
wut the hell is The Ice Wall
It is the very thick ice surrounding Antarctica. It is generally about 300 feet high. It does not circle it. There are several places where it is not there or not very thick. It does mostly circle it.
The Flat Earth claim is this is why the water does not go off the edge of the earth. The Ice Wall stops it.
I have no clue what is down there. It is so off limits it is very hard to know. Only a select few can go and explore it. Anyone can book a cruise down there or a plane ride over part of it. A tiny tiny part of it. There are many ways to see a tiny part of it. But the vast majority of it is off limits. Much harder than North Korea to go and explore.
There are jobs down there if you have proper credentials and can get one of them. But they have to sign non disclosure agreements so they are limited on what they can say about their time there. When they do speak about it you should wonder how it is they got permission to do so.
Any1 been to the edge of the earth
Ur mum is flat child
>>mute @AleeOrange <@368446032272424971>
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **AleeOrange**#6132
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Flat Earther Gary**#3554
>>mute @Deleted User
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Gerald**#8079
I think god is me<:happycube:507990858960732162>
Right so y'all that believe that gravity isnt real
What law brings everything back to the ground
The planet moves up constantly causing everything to fall back down to earth
No it's god
The reason any stellar body is a sphere is because gravity pulls the planet's material from all directions
And it wants that material to get as close to the center of mass(and gravity) as possible
Since spheres have no corners
That is what gravity shapes them into