Message from @GeoOct

Discord ID: 587020862411112449

2019-06-08 06:36:29 UTC  

Astral Projection....

2019-06-08 06:36:37 UTC  

Uses.... spirit beings?

2019-06-08 06:36:50 UTC  

Well, that's new to me.

2019-06-08 06:37:09 UTC  

What exactly is a "spirit being" and how does one use one during the process of astral projection?

2019-06-08 06:39:01 UTC  

Also, all one has to do is google "Astral Projection Flat Earth"

2019-06-08 06:39:14 UTC  

To find that people who AP have found earth to be "flat" as well.

2019-06-08 06:39:25 UTC  

So there isn't much bearing there IMO.

2019-06-08 07:03:46 UTC  

True Astral Projection is an out of body type experience. You leave your space and go “elsewhere”. You,are guided through a kind of portal

2019-06-08 11:05:53 UTC  

Just measure the earths curvature and you find out, mirages are funny. i took out my new telescope for experiment.

2019-06-08 11:06:28 UTC  

Must note that maths are not a natural thing, it's a tool invented by humans to understand and get estimation of our reality.

2019-06-08 11:08:42 UTC  

math is used in a video game. Does that make the video game a factual reality? EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATION are what prove facts.  How do you know that's the "actual" horizon? How do you know that the reflection is not just covering up the actual horizon where the sky actually meets the land? If moisture can produce an image or a reflection, wouldn't it be hiding whats behind it? What you globalheads are doing here is assuming the horizon. I would go by survey crews...not the road survey crews but the ones that survey the land to build something on it. They ignore the curve for a radius of less than 160 miles. That means a diameter of 320 miles. The curve of the earth for 160 miles is suppose to be over a mile drop. And for 320 miles it's suppose to be over a 10 mile drop. You want to tell me that they just ignore this drop? And the land next to it does that same thing...and so on...and so on? There is something seriously wrong about the spherical earth model according to scientific evidence.

2019-06-08 11:10:19 UTC  

Observation proves facts." Okay. Close your eyes. You observe that the earth disappears. It is true, but not the whole truth. "Math is used in video games". Yes, the videogame exists because of math. Words are used also - does that mean, words aren't real? How do you think "experiments and observation" is called? It's called "science". I do not think, that survey teams ignore that, Maybe you global heads missed something? "Prove" is when you explain things without leaving any questions open. But all you do is ask questions, that are already answered lol.

2019-06-08 11:12:21 UTC  

You global heads Surveying ignores curvature for miles and miles. Every project that is below 161 square miles is working on a flat plane, including all of those put together side by side. It would still do you no good because what happens when you have 50 of these 161 square mile plots all next to each other? Remember, this is how cities are made. A bunch of squares next to each other that all ignore the curve. You still have to have a drop and there is none. Eventually you still end up with no curve after thousands of miles.  "According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Los Angeles metropolitan area has a total area of 4,850 square miles (12,561 km2), while the wider combined statistical area covers 33,954 square miles (87,940 km2), making it the largest metropolitan region in the United States by land area." -Greater Los Angeles Wiki So do you think after these global heads surveyed a bunch of these smaller plots of land that ignore the curve, someone said, "Oh wait, we now have to go back and consider the curve because we have too many flat plane plots." ?? I can tell you that the answer is "no." The curvature totally gets neglected.

2019-06-08 11:15:22 UTC  

science experiments are the only way we have facts.. math is a way to explain reality and give a good prediction or theory, or measure reality... its a tool we use... mathematically the trajectory to get the force needed to...... you use your equation to estimate n hypothesize then you do a SCIENCE EXPERIMENT to see weather your math was right or not... once accurate you document results repeat, repeat, repeat,.. then its a FACT. Just like water runs downhill. Takes the path of least resistance to sea LEVEL. Knowing for a FACT that water does this on a 5,000 mile long river on a ball where does water go.. does it defy gravity and not go downhill...hmmm or is gravity just making me hallucinate and my tools miscalculate..??? as in i build factorys with a level that NEVER turn out to be curved, or the tops of buildings wider than the bottom because built on a ball... if gravity made my level show level on this part and 100 ft away on a ball n i build gravity aint gonna straighten or bend my boards or give me loss of sight, or make my tape measure wrong, or make my straight edge crooked. All of these things would be able to detect if my building were curved with the ball.... or if going millions of mph, spinning youd think one of you guys or your math god would have came up with an experiment proving motion.. but everytime u tried it worked out opposite now didn't it globalhead?.. so who just dont wanna believe, or except that this and not star trek is reality... upside down n spinning 1000mph... hahaha... my head is spinning. Can anyone proof there is a curvature?

2019-06-08 11:48:49 UTC  

Thanks for the essay

2019-06-08 12:30:16 UTC  

@Derek Nelson How much curviture should we see?

2019-06-08 13:00:56 UTC

2019-06-08 15:48:44 UTC  

Hi ❤

2019-06-08 15:49:27 UTC  

Anyone wanna go to the ice wall with me next weekend? Then we can show everyone that it exists!

2019-06-08 20:51:07 UTC  

i am tank

2019-06-08 20:51:19 UTC  

i want ice wall break

2019-06-09 19:12:03 UTC  


2019-06-09 19:12:25 UTC  

the earth is spherical

2019-06-09 21:44:26 UTC  

Seems flat based on what my bible says, I will stick with that mate.

2019-06-09 23:06:03 UTC  
2019-06-09 23:06:24 UTC  


2019-06-09 23:06:38 UTC  

So what is the argument I'm lost

2019-06-09 23:06:39 UTC  

Correct. You cant prove the cause of gravity

2019-06-09 23:06:50 UTC  

Right, does that make it untrue?

2019-06-09 23:06:51 UTC  

You can make equations

2019-06-09 23:06:59 UTC  

claiming with 100% certainty is impossible

2019-06-09 23:07:11 UTC  

only the intellectually dishonest do that

2019-06-09 23:07:34 UTC  

Do you honestly believe warped space and time causes gravity?

2019-06-09 23:07:43 UTC  

Yes, I do.

2019-06-09 23:07:59 UTC  

Its still just a belief

2019-06-09 23:08:01 UTC  

If I jump...and I come down...what happens then?

2019-06-09 23:08:01 UTC  

I believe General Relativity is accurate with our current understanding

2019-06-09 23:08:10 UTC  

yeah but we actually have evidence for that belief

2019-06-09 23:08:15 UTC  


2019-06-09 23:08:22 UTC  

It's not like a religion, where faith is required 100%

2019-06-09 23:08:29 UTC  

It is