Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 597890552263868475

2019-07-08 20:25:37 UTC  

2019-07-08 20:25:51 UTC  

"What does it say about social media?"

Hey you guys. Conform and shut them up. Remove Free Speech. We do not want them to know the truth on this.

2019-07-08 20:27:17 UTC  

Look at all the fake information they feed. Without speaking a word about what the article is supposedly about. This is like a magick spell. Trying to get you to believe what they want you to believe and ignore how stupid their supposed proof is.

2019-07-08 20:28:24 UTC  

They are doing all they can to dismiss the people who are telling the truth. Doing all they can to make out like we are enemies and should be done away with. Ousted from media and everything.

2019-07-08 20:29:22 UTC  

I am sorry @Ricky Salads I was dreaming of all .onion bowsers connected dude that would be amazing!

2019-07-08 20:29:39 UTC  

Instead of providing proof they tell a fairy tale. Why?

2019-07-08 20:30:37 UTC  


2019-07-08 20:31:26 UTC  

They speak of this Greek fairy tale about two poles. This totally ignores that on the Flat Earth model this would work just fine. Light going out would work just fine on a flat earth. But this they ignore. See the last thing they are selling is truth. Just lies.

2019-07-08 20:32:38 UTC  

If I go outside my high light does exactly the same thing. My shadow is right under me under it. It gets larger and larger as I walk away from it on a totally flat yard.

2019-07-08 20:32:44 UTC  

For the globetards out there

2019-07-08 20:33:10 UTC  

This is pointless. Just a fairy tale with no validity to it.

2019-07-08 20:35:42 UTC  

"That we see the top of a ship’s mast coming into port and not the entire ship"

This is an absolute lie. I always see the entire ship as it comes into port. Unless I am very close to the water where waves block part of my view.

2019-07-08 20:36:12 UTC  

when Liberar al Gsee tRumpf in Offivce! Lol. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

2019-07-08 20:36:36 UTC  

This lie is put out because they think we are idiots and not smart enough to understand waves can block our view and the tallest ones are nearly impossible to see.

2019-07-08 20:37:38 UTC  

When a wave is a mile long. We will not see it. Yet it can be very high. Why at the beach the water raises and lowers. This is very high waves slowing coming on shore then out to sea.

2019-07-08 20:41:16 UTC  


How dare I mistrust them. How dare me do that. I mean on a daily basis they lie to us. Why would we trust them. Seems to me they print lies then do a retraction. No one sees the retraction which is buried as much as possible. All we see it the lies told. Like the article on Florida making using your Solar panels illegal. They lied you could do that with the "proper equipment". They did not mention that the "proper equipment" cost thousands of dollars to buy expensive and difficult to use batteries. Not in the least required to use the power from your solar panels. However eventually they told the truth. Not like anyone saw it.

2019-07-08 20:42:11 UTC  

You seem to be more "screaming into the void" than debating...

2019-07-08 20:43:35 UTC  

"So why, despite overwhelming scientific evidence that the Earth is an “oblate spheroid”

So much proof. Damn you believe our fairy tales. All they presented. No actual proof at all.

Why on earth would anyone think this article is the least bit valid.

Well because they demand you believe it:


2019-07-08 20:44:34 UTC  

If anyone really wants the truth about the lies told to them for their entire life. They need to understand how the system works. How the round earth lie is perpetrated by many sources.

2019-07-08 20:46:11 UTC  

It is not about just giving out proof. No one will accept actual proof when "Experts" lie to them. They will instead believe the lies by those "Experts". Until they come to an understanding that "Experts" are really con artist. Well they will believe the lies.

2019-07-08 21:35:25 UTC  

Lol I don't trust anybody but myself. And both my brain and instincts tell me that for hundreds of years not a single person has managed to get to the edge and tell the tale. Even now, with advanced vehicles, not a soul has decided that they'd be the one to reveal/discover the biggest secret in the world.

I don't even need to delve into evidence to assure myself that the majority is the obvious "Victor" of this debate. The chances of the earth actually being flat is just beyond what low can describe.

2019-07-08 21:43:11 UTC  

angola branco is that u from highschool of alexandre?

2019-07-09 00:03:39 UTC  

At one point the majority agreed in slavery being OK. No it was not OK.

The majority believing something never makes that truth.

If truth was on their side that article would have had actual proof. But no such proof exist in reality. So knowing this they just told old wives tales. Like that stupid tale of measuring sunlight and somehow that proved the earth was a ball. That is such nonsense as my porch light proves.

That is all they presented. Tall tales they insisted you believe.

Why do that if there was real proof. Why not just present that real proof.

Well they can not show you a picture of the Ball Earth because no such picture exists. Strange how they can take a picture of Neptune with the Hubble but not point it at the earth and take a picture. How does that make a lick of sense?

Well reality is they use land based very large antennas to use more or less radar to get those pictures. Some a thousand feet across.

It is not a telescope in space as space does not exist. Just high altitude Balloons and blimps. Most of what NASA and others present is actually from airplanes.

You really should start to question what you are taught. Mostly lies unfortunately. I call them indoctrination centers not schools and universities. So much of what they teach is just pure propaganda.

2019-07-09 00:07:03 UTC  

Thankfully most likely you will see real truth come to light. The internet has done that and they are unable to stop it at this point. Within a year most likely things will be revealed you never imagined could possibly be true. Most of what you believe in will be shattered.

2019-07-09 00:31:31 UTC  

Why can't Hubble take pictures of Earth?
The surface of the Earth is whizzing by as Hubble orbits, and the pointing system, designed to track the distant stars, cannot track an object on the Earth. The shortest exposure time on any of the Hubble instruments is 0.1 seconds, and in this time Hubble moves about 700 meters, or almost half a mile.

2019-07-09 00:33:23 UTC  

innards of hubble

2019-07-09 01:52:57 UTC  

@Steve Angell not to mention there are several full shots of earth from other vessels

2019-07-09 01:53:14 UTC  

You’re just cherry picking evidence without proving anything

2019-07-09 01:55:19 UTC  

Hubble needs time to get exposure and it just nyoom too fast around the earth to get a decent picture

2019-07-09 01:55:40 UTC  

and with all the other pictures available it would be redundant and wasteful to use energy to adjust the telescope an unnecessary amount

2019-07-09 01:58:09 UTC  

@GreenPixel zero full shots of earth

2019-07-09 01:58:17 UTC  

Hubble is fake

2019-07-09 01:58:18 UTC  


2019-07-09 01:58:35 UTC  

Ive debunked Hubble 2 years ago

2019-07-09 01:58:45 UTC  


2019-07-09 01:59:03 UTC  

Well that’s not Hubble