Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 303308910218182656
Thanks man
Haiti had a legit white genocide, but that was a little long time ago and a response to some legitimately bad treatment by the whites. Since then their relationship with whites have changed a lot.
@BlackMetalWitch you could've prevented that, you could've stopped her
I can't get on voice
When can you? I can whenever tonight
Or tomorrow
Whatever works for you
Pepe and Joe probably could
@Templar-CA Can you vet my man @Bendies ?
@Bendies get in voice
Which channel?
public chat
I'm in
thats good!
The Haitians I interacted with were surprisingly hospitable.
@🅱arD Really surprises me considering they had a literal white genocide.
I need to touch mine up a bit. Also, follow the twitter for Providence AntiCom:
Like this one group of them brought us chairs and apologized like 5 times for not having mangoes and coconutsto give us
Did they accept you as their master?
Old ladies would invite us into their home and give us their seat.
>tfw no oregon themed anticom patches
@An Admirable Admiral i have one
No, but some of the teen girls tried to get the fat guy to marry them
@An Admirable Admiral You in Portland?
@TopHatt Get one for north dakota
Nah, im in a small town, but portland isnt too far off