Message from @Andrew-KY
Discord ID: 548025562606600204
I got it, but that was a response to a different comment and I didn't see your meme chain. Sorry for ruining it. @Sam Anderson
@Jacob *serious look* apologies are for the weak
Im sure we arent all @Jacob i just think whites integrate very easily with each other. America showed that. At this point so many of us are so mixed up i dont see how it wouls break down into inter european ethnic conflict
I didn't say conflict. I say federalized system with sub group national character
much as our founders intended
"Thou shalt not date outside of your village!" -Jacob states rights basically?
I hate to always be the one who brings up the topic, but do I have to post the stats on Polish immigrants again?
Eastern europeans are...kinda different lol
just kidding we love you squatting madlads
can't believe you got to space first
Wasnt that all German scientists?
Well, as long as you recognize that Eastern Europeans are different, that's a start
Not incredibly, but a little
more than you probably think
Well, i know they arent as smart, they are more violent, and they look kinda different
Much more likely to vote Democrat is a big one
But they are so based in their own countries
Thats odd
It's not odd at all
School em good Jacob
Why would you expect immigrants to be based when they're... literally immigrants?
Ahh yes, thats true
Mexicans are based in their own country, too
settlers != immigrants
They would be predetermined to be more lefty
Mexicans want to take over our country. I dont think they are too compareable
someone who comes to America to plow 40 acres of praerie with -20C winters is not the same person who hops on a plane to LA because it looks trendy
No, most Mexicans are just coming here to make money
Its not necessarily conscious. They are a competing subspecies
So are Eastern Europeans who come here in a way
colonizing the wilderness and colonizing anglo civilization are entirely different adaptations
To be honest, ive never met an eastern european that i know of
nice to meet you, then
Except one Polish girl who was...a wild ride that ended badly lol