Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 548023846347735040
I don't write him off as a blackpiller I think he's still a major source of direction
I dont know so much about direction but any alt right point is backed up by him with irrefutable data
I don't wanna start this whole debate again because it's late and I have homework, but you should read the Counter Currents article which explains why his idea is totally infeasible
I dont think his idea is feasible
Im still a white nationalist. My point is that all his other stuff is incredible
Sean Last's article on social cohesion is pretty easily refutable
You mean the Putnam study?
Ethno-federalism is inevitable conclusion of ethno-pluralism
I'm not saying he has all the answers, I'm saying he has very accurate criticisms of the "alt right"s ideas and methods
US whites aren't really a monolithic ethnic block and will naturally fragment further
I think he's pretty much right about why he doesn't call himself a WN
The natural clusters for genetic distance probably resolve back to analogues of our original european ancestral countries
Im traveling to the orion cluster this spring
that being said we have to act as one unit to stand any chance, but the final outcome probably looks like some sort of federalist system much as our founders intended
We are all so mixed up though. Not many of us are 1 nation of European or even 2
The eagle nebulla is a bit too warm for me
Im sure all of us here are various European ethnicities
scandos dominate the dakotas and minnesota, anglos dominate segments of northeast and appalachians
there are definitly sub-groups with their own national character
Im both of those
Sean Last wrote an article on why the Putnam study was wrong and diversity doesn't actually harm social cohesion, and it was published on the Alternative Hypothesis website.
It's pretty easily refutable with basic knowledge of social science, but my problem is that a lot of people trust him and they're gonna believe it and drop out of the movement.
I don't know if he's compromised or what, because it was a pretty poorly written article. @Andrew-KY
Sean Last dropped out awhile ago, idk why
I never paid much attention to him anyway
Update on black homeless guy that probably raped a girl who's family had been bringing him food for months. After they released him with no charge. District attorney, Jeffrey Rosen, changed his mind, probably due to so many angry phone calls, and they went on a 5 day manhunt to recapture him. Alleged rapist is in custody.
Thanks for good vibes and prayers.
Around blacks
@Andrew-KY Not all of us are
buy mixtapes
Jacob didnt get it
Ugh, i love this place already lol
I got it, but that was a response to a different comment and I didn't see your meme chain. Sorry for ruining it. @Sam Anderson
@Jacob *serious look* apologies are for the weak
Im sure we arent all @Jacob i just think whites integrate very easily with each other. America showed that. At this point so many of us are so mixed up i dont see how it wouls break down into inter european ethnic conflict
I didn't say conflict. I say federalized system with sub group national character
much as our founders intended
"Thou shalt not date outside of your village!" -Jacob