Message from @jeremy

Discord ID: 581521455498526730

2019-05-24 16:36:44 UTC  

I'm curious

2019-05-24 16:37:04 UTC  

daniel water is flat thinking it bends down is crazier than the globe theory

2019-05-24 16:37:05 UTC  

Train tracks when laid, are not laid in accountance with the curvature of the earth.

2019-05-24 16:37:09 UTC  

Do you understand that?

2019-05-24 16:37:17 UTC  

Water looks flat

2019-05-24 16:37:17 UTC

2019-05-24 16:37:25 UTC  


2019-05-24 16:37:32 UTC  

In the ENTIRE engineering process.

2019-05-24 16:37:36 UTC  

Not in rail roads.

2019-05-24 16:37:38 UTC  

do you understand they are contour or w/e? so it would be irrelevant if they accounted for the curvature?

2019-05-24 16:37:38 UTC  

you can see more of the earth because of refraction

2019-05-24 16:37:38 UTC  

citizen i was jokin when i said himiwari

2019-05-24 16:37:43 UTC  

What if water is bending up slightly as it's being pushed out from a centre point above

2019-05-24 16:37:46 UTC  

Not in Canal's.

2019-05-24 16:37:53 UTC  

light is interesting

2019-05-24 16:38:02 UTC  

i guess its possible

2019-05-24 16:38:07 UTC  

unlikely as the globe imo

2019-05-24 16:38:28 UTC  

Naa concave makes way more sense than the globr

2019-05-24 16:38:30 UTC  


2019-05-24 16:38:39 UTC  

anything would make more sense than the globe

2019-05-24 16:38:58 UTC  

if you lay a train track, you only care about the single rail, because the rail needs to conform to the ground, many rails doesn't need any sort of calculations for curvature, what is ridiculous is expecting it to.

2019-05-24 16:39:51 UTC  

even if earth was flat, its not flat enough for perfect train tracks

2019-05-24 16:39:54 UTC  

they obviously bend

2019-05-24 16:40:11 UTC  

Water is always level

2019-05-24 16:40:14 UTC  


2019-05-24 16:40:15 UTC  


2019-05-24 16:40:24 UTC  

these maniacs think level means curved lol

2019-05-24 16:40:38 UTC  


2019-05-24 16:40:38 UTC  

Of water

2019-05-24 16:40:42 UTC  

also, might I recommend doing what they do in city meetings for your debate channel? I havent really been in one yet, but I heard they get pretty heated. mute everyone except the person that is proposing something for a good 10 or 5 seconds then go down the line for proposals

2019-05-24 16:41:08 UTC  

name a state of matter that doesn't always find level at it's lowest state of energy between liquid solid and gas, 'water finds level' is irrelevant because everything, every single liquid, gas, and even solids, find level and adjust their energy state. EVERYTHING finds level. OK?

2019-05-24 16:41:30 UTC  

so water is in no way special

2019-05-24 16:41:31 UTC  

If the balls diverged in the Tamarack mineshaft plumbob experiment, that suggests that even though it looks flat it's not

2019-05-24 16:41:41 UTC  

u should look up the definition of level

2019-05-24 16:41:59 UTC  

level means flat

2019-05-24 16:42:01 UTC  

superfluid helium ignores the properties of density? OK.

2019-05-24 16:42:11 UTC  

It does?

2019-05-24 16:42:14 UTC  

does it?

2019-05-24 16:42:16 UTC  

@ElectroquasistaticMagnetoMan what was the measured divergence?

2019-05-24 16:42:18 UTC  

water is level and level means flat if u dont think so u should look it up in the dictionary