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That's not a very scientific experiment lol. Wolfie is full of sh#t

I prefer the term truthseeker but yes

Basically I lean towards earth being concave

Yeah I will do

No not flat used to be

Concave means we live inside a sphere, doesn't have to be a exact sphere tho

Find what platoon said interesting

Sorry plato

Platoon said we live inside a dodecahedron. I wonder why


Not platoon

Damn auto correct

Yep he said it looked like 12 pieces of leather stitched together and that we live inside

Earth's Leylines also follow that shape interestingly

Read his books

Not what people say he said

Also research from 2003 matched data that space is basically finite and dodecahedral

It's the only matched data

Mainstream ignored

Not off hand but I can get it you

Whatever it is we live Inside, space isn't what we have been told,

I believe it's like a projected hall of mirror effect

I'm unsure of exact shape but has to be concave as in were inside and there are people walking upside down but above us not below

Get a dodecahedron put mirrors inside it creates a hall of mirrors

A infinite field well it looks like it

I believe that's then displaced and amplified

I looked Inside the hole in the sun once and seen lots of dot formations on the back wall, as angle changed I seen different dot formations or stars

You know that hole they say is a lense flare

This time it was yellow and I seen inside

And it was very telling

And another time I looked up and found a swirl of sparkles or charged particles.. Pointed camera up and found a red triangle

What about the triangle

And swirl of glitter dancing in sky

I got photos

I know what I seen

Why have they got statues everywhere of dodecahedrons in dodecahedrons also

And why did I find one in Wolfenstein with a light source in the middle

Looked exactly like a roman dodecahedron

I don't know... But a lot of coincidences

OK no problem Bro. Cool

https://youtu.be/hVwRJFU1lGc look inside the yellow hole especially when he zooms in half way through video

Play on big screen to better see

You can tell its a hole and the dots or stars are set in the back wall

By the angle and change of view inside

Why cringe?

What are they?

I'm simply asking what are them dot formations inside the yellow dot and why are they set on a back wall?

No way is that the camera no way

I posted above

Oh OK np

You concentrate on studying


I'm not sure what to think to be honest which is why I question everything there is a lot that don't make much sense tho

Anyway I gtg

No offence but your a bit too young to discuss suchb topics with. No offence

Your in school. I think you should concentrate on that

And sailed around the world

I gtg sorry have a good day


Yes dont want to talk with school children

Your too young

Not in school

Gtg bro

That's cool

I gtg tho

No your simply too young and i don't want to be responsible for distracting you from what you need to do at a special time in your life ok

Like I say no offence

Learning life skills and education as you are

Yes I do question everything I don't think kids should

Over 30

Be nice tsar who's bitching


Over 30

Yeah big age difference

Anyway leave you two to it

All normal nothing to see here, just a photo I took one night



They even put red triangles on 'shpace shuttles' I got photos of that too

Even trump likes the triangle

So wtf going on

Also why are kids in this server? This should be over 18s, how can you expect people to debate the shape of the earth with kids?

I think there's more to it than that

I find suspicious the way they use the triangle in the circle or ouroboros all the time yes

I like your avataar

<:snapsnap:484956825863585792> yup

I'm not flat earther

Not globie

Globe earth with us living on top

You must be crazy to believe we live on a spinning ball



Flying pancake? Where

I'm hungry

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