Message from @renee
Discord ID: 582285623495229615
>>mute 581907005468573735
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Duanter**#1043
Great minds think alike. I was about to do the same.
I put him in the nonce box
Thank frick hes gone
he said nonce, not nonce case :/
but whatever
Nonce alone means the same thing
No one sayes nonce case
I live in south of England I know
"Mark you nonce case she's about 16!"
" NONCE! "
Yes! finally @The Gwench ty
Np 😃
So what are your peoples thoughts on eurovison
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @solarstan yt has been warned
reason: Bad word usage
I think it's become bad
The only interesting thing that happened this year
They did a heavy metal song
With BDSM suits
classic iceland
The chorus of the song translates to hatrid will prevail
Globe is a religion
The floor is the Earth, the Earth is my floor, the floor measures flat, the Earth measures flat. 70 percent of the Earth is liquid water. Liquid Water seeks it's level. Earth is apparently mostly locally flat under certain weather conditions.
This Channel Has Lots of Documentaries and Covers Many Topics. Just Finished Downloading and Saving Links of around 7 Videos from their channel. I havent watched any of them, but by the titles theyre definitely aware:
Mars is filmed on Flat Earth yes
SRA, Flat Earth, Fluoride, 5G, Hidden History etc. is all covered on the guy's channel ^
Got any curvature?
im new