Message from @The Gwench

Discord ID: 582320501570142239

2019-05-26 21:31:52 UTC  


2019-05-26 21:31:55 UTC  

FACT: JP Morgan was booked on the voyage but canceled at the last second.

2019-05-26 21:31:55 UTC  

back then and Mogan knew this

ships are just waterproof cars

2019-05-26 21:32:10 UTC

2019-05-26 21:32:30 UTC  

FACT: Friend of JP Morgan, Milton Hersey, also canceled at the last moment and survived to build the Hersey food empire.

2019-05-26 21:32:35 UTC  

Someone did once say there were explosions heard prior to the sinking

im about to eat some hΓ£mbΓΈrgΓ«r

2019-05-26 21:32:54 UTC  

the hull burst, so yes.

2019-05-26 21:33:03 UTC  

None of the survivors actually said they saw an iceberg, they just got told it hit them in the night whilst everybody was sleeping

2019-05-26 21:33:03 UTC  

Yeah but who put the iceberg there though

2019-05-26 21:33:05 UTC  

FACT: There were no red flares on board to signal to any boats for rescue; only white flares that signal a party and that everything is okay.

2019-05-26 21:33:07 UTC  

today, I can tell you with my knowledge

2019-05-26 21:33:14 UTC  

that the way things are going,

the iceberg sunk to the titanic

2019-05-26 21:33:18 UTC  
2019-05-26 21:33:26 UTC  

Also tru

2019-05-26 21:33:32 UTC  


2019-05-26 21:33:34 UTC  

there will be a major bug in a computer system that will cause the death of many people.

2019-05-26 21:33:46 UTC  

FACT: It was the first ship of its kind with the ability to seal decks electromagnetically which could also seal people below deck.

2019-05-26 21:33:47 UTC  

I am predicting this because of how LAZY developers are nowadays

2019-05-26 21:33:53 UTC  

when It happens, come and find me.

2019-05-26 21:33:54 UTC  

After all these years the pool on the Titanic is still full

2019-05-26 21:33:55 UTC  

Major Arthur G. Peuchen, 1st Class passenger in Lifeboat 6

Major Peuchen did not seem to actually see the ship break apart, but assumed she did from the sounds he heard, and the wreckage he saw the next morning.

Pages 338 and 339:

Maj. PEUCHEN. We commenced to hear signs of the breaking up of the boat.
Senator SMITH. Of the Titanic?
Maj. PEUCHEN. Of the Titanic. At first I kept my eyes watching the lights, as long as possible.
Senator SMITH. From your position in the boat, did you face it?
Maj. PEUCHEN. I was facing it at this time. I was rowing this way [indicating], and afterwards I changed to the other way. We heard a sort of a rumbling sound and the lights were still on at the rumbling sound, as far as my memory serves me; then a sort of an explosion, then another. It seemed to be one, two, or three rumbling sounds, then the lights went out.
Senator SMITH. From what you saw, do you think the boat was intact, or had it broken in two?
Maj. PEUCHEN. It was intact at that time. I feel sure that an explosion had taken place in the boat, because in passing the wreck the next morning - we steamed past it - I just happened to think of this, which may be of some assistance to this inquiry - I was standing forward, looking to see if I could see any dead bodies, or any of my friends, and to my surprise I saw the barber's pole floating. The barber's pole was on the C deck, my recollection is - the barber shop - and that must have been a tremendous explosion to allow this pole to have broken from its fastenings and drift with the wood.

2019-05-26 21:34:32 UTC  

there will be a new driverless car, and it will fail and someone famous will die because of it

2019-05-26 21:34:35 UTC  

mark my words

2019-05-26 21:34:46 UTC  

FACT: The Captain, Edward Smith, was one of the most decorated Captains of his time and it would have been totally out of character for him to avoid precautions.

2019-05-26 21:34:49 UTC  

Dude they are way better then real people

2019-05-26 21:34:54 UTC  

Mr. ROWE. About three-quarters of a mile, sir.
Senator BURTON. Did you see her go down?
Mr. ROWE. I saw her stern disappear at the finish, sir.
Senator BURTON. It was while she was still floating that you heard the explosions?
Mr. ROWE. Heard this rumbling sound, sir.
Senator BURTON. You are quite sure of that, are you?
Mr. ROWE. Positive, sir.

2019-05-26 21:35:04 UTC  

They don't get stupid drink and drive text and drive don't get tired

2019-05-26 21:35:08 UTC  

Alfred Olliver, Quartermaster in Lifeboat 5

Quartermaster Oliver states he did not see the sinking clearly, but thought she had broke apart:

Pages 530 and 531:

Senator BURTON. Did you see the boat sink?
Mr. OLLIVER. I can not say that I saw it right plain; but to my imagination I did, because the lights went out before she went down.
Senator BURTON. How did she sink?
Mr. OLLIVER. She was well down at the head at first, when we got away from her at first, and to my idea she broke forward, and the afterpart righted itself and made another plunge and went right down. I fancied I saw her black form. It was dark, and I fancied I saw her black form going that way.
Senator BURTON. Did she careen over, tip over sideways, or did she go ahead?
Mr. OLLIVER. She went ahead, like that [indicating].
Senator BURTON. Did you hear explosions?
Mr. OLLIVER. I heard several little explosions, but it was not such explosions as I expected to hear.
Senator BURTON. Were these before or after she sank?
Mr. OLLIVER. Before she sank and while she was sinking.
Senator BURTON. What did you think those explosions were?
Mr. OLLIVER. Myself, I thought they were like bulkheads giving in.

2019-05-26 21:35:16 UTC  

And it's all synced

2019-05-26 21:35:21 UTC  

```. I heard several little explosions, ```

2019-05-26 21:35:36 UTC  

FACT: The author of the book was poisoned to death a couple years after the Titanic sank.

2019-05-26 21:35:39 UTC  

Fact: People can make the biggest mistakes of their life because they were assured it would be unsinkable

2019-05-26 21:36:01 UTC  

Mr. WARD. She gave a kind of sudden lurch forward, and I heard a couple of reports, reports more like a volley of musketry than anything else. You would not exactly call them a heavy explosion. It did not seem to me like an explosion at all.

2019-05-26 21:36:13 UTC  

Mr. CROWE. Yes, sir; then there was an explosion, and the aft part turned on end and sank.

2019-05-26 21:36:18 UTC  

more like he overdosed on something

2019-05-26 21:36:21 UTC  

Senator BOURNE. Did you hear any explosion or noise?
Mr. ANDREWS. I heard just a small sound, sir; it was not very loud, but just a small sound.

2019-05-26 21:36:32 UTC  

FACT: The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.