Message from @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧
Discord ID: 584059320887672832
Anyway I'm off
That’s just your opinion Daniel we want to get people on the flat earth bandwagon first if you want to try and take them to concave after that fine but let’s at least get them off the globe ball bullshit and get them on the flat earth leave concave earth out of the lounge you you’re just pushing it way too heavy
I know when I'm not wanted
Have a good day
When something passes the scientific method, it ceases to be a theory. It’s why gravity is a theory. Because it doesn’t pass the method.
Bullshit you are wanted you are valid don’t go cry in the corner I’m just asking you to be kind on the newbies here in the lounge and don’t confuse them
We care for you very much, Daniel.
For real.
Yes we do
Despite all this where emotions can get difficult. I hope you’re having a good day.
Just remember the famous quote. facts. don’t care about your emotions
Rip Daniel
Well too bad. Let him cry at home
That's too bad, Daniel seemed like a nice enough guy.
Sorry. I tried to explain what I was talking about and he just didn’t get it just take an advance theory like concave earth somewhere out of the lounge where new people will be confused that wasn’t too much to ask
I didn't think your request was unreasonable @A Search for Roche's Rifle
keep the lounge clear and discuss elsewhere
God bless Daniel, anyway. Hopefully he will come back. I think I’ve left this server at least twice. It happens.
agreed drewski
--i have left here before too,, (once)
..last year i think
yeah, ..Daniel has left before too, a bunch of times, before, ..but.. That was when there was way-less people (members) here, and--he wasnt a staff member then either --idk..just syn
wrong image
ha, eye saw dat pic
that was above a stall in a gas station
---who was it, you? Kiwi lol
*the other one
k 👌
hey, lol...
▬▬▬onna sidenote : @パートナーキラー heyyo...
-remember (EARLY) yesterday? lol? and ..those "Discord Hiccups" i was saying was going on? lol?
--welp, ..i stumbled across this, ..looking totally for something else and different topic, lol but ..i say this "Title" in the forums, and ..seen it was post recent (1 day ago) so, lol, i clicked on it, ..heheh....
--For Me, hasn't been "all week" ,, i happen/ing .. a lil bit for me here & there
--i had one or two messages for me today almost wanna hiccup and not send, but, the mostpart overall Today seems to be going ok i guess
maybe not for some others (other people ) though,, idk
hmm but 🤔 ... am i thinking right? .that-that could be perhaps why (Dc) some servers seem to be a little less "active" these past recent few several days?! hmm gee, ..i may be 'on to' something there lol ..
Eh, anyways,'s the external Link to the webpage i was just reading ....